Expand Get-GFilePermissions to get more details and get specific permissions if specified
Add functions Get-GFileID and Get-GFile' Get-GFileID with fetch the ID of any file in Drive that you have access to. This can then be feed into other functions Get-GFile can be used to download a file from Drive. Future releases will support converting Google Docs to other formats as provided by the Google API
Add function Remove-GSheetSheetRowColumn. Removes one or more rows or columns
Add function Set-GSheetDropDownList. Sets data validation on cells in a column and creates drop down list for users to choose options you specify.
EXAMPLE: Set-GSheetDropDownList -accessToken $accessToken -startRowIndex 1 -endRowIndex 10 -columnIndex 9 -sheetName 'Sheet1' -spreadSheetID $spreadSheetID -inputMessage "Must be one of 'Public','Private Restricted','Private, Highly-Restricted'" -values @('Public','Private Restricted','Private, Highly-Restricted')
Catch up notes. Module is now code signed. Fixed plurality typo for remove-gfilepermissions id parameter.
Added function to move google drive file.
Organized all functions. Added parameter listing to every function. Updated help files for every function. Distinguished between 'fileID' and 'spreadSheetID' -- these are the same, but require different API when taking certain actions.
Current Functions revolve around working with Google Sheets. Based of API docs https://developers.google.com/sheets/
Set-up: Create a project https://console.developers.google.com/apis/dashboard Enable the API Each Service in google has its own API and needs to be enabled one by one for each you want to use. Select the 3 bars in the upper left corner and choose API Manager, then click on Enable API Select an appropriate Service Create a Service Account
You'll need all this info to get to the point of being able to get accesstokens that all function require.
If you create a new sheet with the service account ONLY the service account will have access. You'll need to call Set-GSheetPermissions to others or yourself if you want to be able to see it in the WebUI.