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Building from Existing Chapters

Creating a new slide deck from existing slide "chapters" is easy:

  1. Create a new HTML file in /presentations
  2. Add YAML front matter with layout, title, chapters fields

layout must be set to slidedeck; title can be whatever you like; chapters is a quoted, comma separated list of tag names of slides in the _posts directory.

Creating new Chapter Content

All "chapter" content for Training Kit HydeSlides are located in the _posts directory. Subfolders of Markdown files are used only for ease of human-readable organization.

A chapter consists of a _posts/<yourchapter> and Markdown files consisting of four YAML front matter fields: chapter, layout, title, tags.

  • chapter serves as the string for the cover slide auto-built by HydeSlides
  • layout must be set to slide
  • title must be a string or, to hide the slide header, an empty string. e.g. ''
  • tags for simplicity sake is only assigned one value, usually the same name as the chapter folder

Notes & What's Next Support


Speaker notes, only shown on the "split" screen displayed by pressing the S key, are included on slides in an HTML wrapped element with class="notes".

{% include hydeslides/notes-open.html %} Oh hey, these are some notes. They'll be hidden in your presentation, but you can see them if you open the speaker notes window (hit 's' on your keyboard). {% include hydeslides/notes-close.html %}

Slide Deck "What's Next" Feature

Pressing S will launch the slide deck "What's Next" with presenter notes (if any are in the original slide Markdown).

One idiosyncrasy of the core RevealJS behavior is browser focus must be on the main slide deck window when navigating slides.



  • SASS theming is found under /dependencies/themes/github/css and controls all ReavealJS and slide presentation overrides
  • Graphical and JS dependencies centrally stored in /dependencies
  • Assets used throughout any slide deck should be stored in /assets

To Do

  • Download Google Fonts for offline slide use
  • Simplify layouts.scss styles

Thanks go out to the contributors of HydeSlide's core components and features: Tom Preston-Werner for Jekyll, Hakim El Hattab for Reveal-JS, and Dave Gandy for Font-Awesome.