is a TypeScript utility type that generates a union type representing all possible nested keys within a given nested object structure.
It supports arrays, objects, and primitive types, allowing you to easily navigate and work with deeply nested structures.
npm install nested-keys-union --save-dev
yarn add -D nested-keys-union
pnpm add nested-keys-union --save-dev
import { NestedKeys } from 'nested-keys-union';
// Example object with nested structure
const exampleObject = {
name: 'John Doe',
age: 30,
address: {
city: 'Example City',
postalCode: '12345',
contacts: [
{ type: 'email', value: '' },
{ type: 'phone', value: '555-1234' },
// Get the union type of all nested keys
type AllNestedKeys = NestedKeys<typeof exampleObject>;
// Usage example
const nestedKey: AllNestedKeys = 'address.contacts.0.value';
In this example, NestedKeys
is used to obtain a union type AllNestedKeys
representing all possible keys within the exampleObject
The resulting type AllNestedKeys
can be used to ensure type safety when working with nested keys.
Contributions are welcome! Feel free to open issues or submit pull requests to enhance the functionality or documentation.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details.