The purpose of this repository is to show everything I learned during this course.
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A Tip Calculator app Android development with Jetpack Compose. To learn about o Compose basic elements.
A Movie app Android development with Jetpack Compose and Build Modern App Interface. Learn some advaced comopsable elements and learn about navigation in Jetpack Compose.
A Quiz app Android development with Jetpack Compose. Learn about Dependence Injection with Hilt and some concepts : leverage Hilt and Dagger and add Dependency Injection into a Jetpack Compose Android App. Use of Retroift to parse data, Coroutines and get remote data from api.
A Weather app Android development with Jetpack Compose. Learn about Dependence Injection with Hilt and some concepts : leverage Hilt and Dagger and add Dependency Injection into a Jetpack Compose Android App and work with API. Use of Retroift to parse data, Coroutines and get remote data from api. Work with permission and geo location to get current user location city