FoxPos is a Rails Point of Sale application built on ViewComponent, Turbo and Stimulus. This has been tweaked to run locally on production mode.
- Add and manage categories
- Add and manage products
- Take orders, send to kitchen
- Serve orders, take payments
- Print receipts
Ensure you have Docker and Docker Compose installed.
- Clone the git repo
git clone
- Navigate to the project folder
- Run the app in development mode
docker-compose up --build
- Run the app in production mode locally
docke-compose -f up --build
To run the app as a native application, this relies on the script and a desktop file to launch the PWA.
Copy the .desktop file to Applications Folder
cp FoxPos.desktop ~/.local/share/applications/
Make the .desktop File Executable
chmod +x ~/.local/share/applications/FoxPos.desktop
Copy the .desktop File to the Desktop (Optional)
cp ~/.local/share/applications/FoxPos.desktop ~/Desktop/
chmod +x ~/Desktop/FoxPos.desktop
Ensure is Executable
chmod +x
Trust & Run the Desktop Shortcut
gio set ~/.local/share/applications/FoxPos.desktop metadata::trusted true
You can now launch the app by searching
in your apps
Script coming soon
Script coming soon
The app designs are inspied by Abubakar Sherazi