- Add app closing and hiding functionality to
component (most likely usinguseContext()
). - Add SF Pro font.
- Important states store inside
local storage.Dexie, a lightweight indexedDB wrapper that seems good for my use case. - Try adding react compiler to the project.
- Clear out linting errors from RC, mostly refs. Switch out refs for ternary operators where possible.
- Migrate to Tailwind v4 (Shouldn't be that hard).
- Fix and optimise window dragging.
- Add React Scan to website to improve debugging.
- Add logic and styling to the Safari search bar.
- Fix bottom apps navbar popup styling.
- Fix top navbar background colours.
- Add a widget grid system.
- Make an option for adding widgets.
- Widgets select window.
- Context menu for widgets.
- Make top taskbar change upon app focus.
- Fix top taskbar tabs active pseudoclass styling.
- Add context menus to top taskbar tabs.
- Fix dynamically added tailwind classes.
- Create a battery widget using the battery API.
- Make only one context menu open on the screen. (Currently only works by clicking off, on the element it was instanciated on)
- Add a feature for automatic page load in prod.
- Migrate React Scan to a dev dependency or disable it in production.
- Change hardcoded wallpapers amount in
. - Add
aliases to project. - Fix date day set to one ahead.
- Add date to the wallpaper date widget.
- Add disabled state to context buttons and dropdowns.
- Add tabs feature into the safari app.
- Add mobile & touchscreen website disable feature.
- Add icons to Safari bookmarks.
- Fix window control to show icons on div hover, not circle element hovers.
- Make current time change every minute.
- Add dropdown icon to the context menu.
and dropdown functionality - Make a separate file with all the config data.
- Fix z-index on Safari being under widgets.
- Fix window control close icon to be more opaque.
- Fix disabled buttons in Safari changing background on hover.
- Animate widgets window on exit.
- Fix "Delete widget" button & context menu position.
- Fix open context menu state to listen on topmost div.
- Disable context menu buttons which don't yet have a behaviour hooked to them.
- Add battery widget icons (aka laptop and headphones icons).
- Added errors to debug command.
- Check out the Page Visibility API which could possibly save device resources while website while hidden.
- Fix context menu re-appearing on left click.
- Change top navbar time to re-render every minute instead of seconds.
- Fix bottom taskbar icons animating on website open.