Is from Baton Rouge, LA
Baton Rouge, LA
Works for @ginmon
Works for School of Code
School of Code
Works for @WakeLab
Is from Newcastle
Is from Newcastle upon Tyne
Newcastle upon Tyne
Is from Cologne, Germay
Cologne, Germay
Is from Sarajevo
Is from Leicester, UK
Leicester, UK
Works for Edge Studio
Edge Studio
Works for R.Smart
Works for
Is from United States
United States
Is from Getxo, Bizkaia, Spain.
Getxo, Bizkaia, Spain.
Is from Seoul city, ROK
Seoul city, ROK
Works for CVS Health
CVS Health
Works for @financial-times
Is from Tokyo Japan
Tokyo Japan
Works for @Google
Is from Tokyo, Japan
Tokyo, Japan
Is from Tamil Nadu, India
Tamil Nadu, India
Is from Brasília, Brazil
Brasília, Brazil
Works for @Shopify
Is from Sydney, Australia
Sydney, Australia
Works for @arielsdesign
Works for Publicis Sapient
Publicis Sapient
Works for Innova Internacional SAS
Innova Internacional SAS
Works for University of Groningen
University of Groningen
Is from Wellington, NZ
Wellington, NZ
Works for Wells Fargo
Wells Fargo
Works for The Financial Times Ltd
The Financial Times Ltd
Works for @netlight
Works for @ft-interactive
Is from Houston, Texas
Houston, Texas
Is from Asheville, NC
Asheville, NC
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