- Dresden
bats-core / bats-assert
Forked from ztombol/bats-assertCommon assertions for Bats
bats-core / bats-support
Forked from ztombol/bats-supportSupporting library for Bats test helpers
Mocking/stubbing library for BATS (Bash Automated Testing System)
Return To The Roots (Settlers II(R) Clone)
working on a cluster manager for TF
libSplash - Simple Parallel file output Library for Accumulating Simulation data using Hdf5
library for Library-independent FFTs
Flamefire / s25client
Forked from Return-To-The-Roots/s25clientReturn To The Roots (Settlers II(R) Clone)
Vocaluxe is an open source singing game inspired by SingStar™ and Ultrastar Deluxe.