MineStat is a Minecraft server status checker.
You can use these classes/modules in a monitoring script to poll multiple Minecraft servers, include similar functionality in a Discord bot, or to let visitors see the status of your server from their browser. MineStat has been ported to multiple languages for use with ASP.NET, FastCGI, mod_perl, mod_php, mod_python, Node.js, Rails, Tomcat, and more.
To install the gem: gem install minestat
require 'minestat'
ms = MineStat.new("frag.land")
puts "Minecraft server status of #{ms.address} on port #{ms.port}:"
if ms.online
puts "Server is online running version #{ms.version} with #{ms.current_players} out of #{ms.max_players} players."
puts "Game mode: #{ms.mode}" if ms.mode
puts "Message of the day: #{ms.motd}"
puts "Message of the day without formatting: #{ms.stripped_motd}"
puts "Latency: #{ms.latency}ms"
puts "Connected using protocol: #{ms.request_type}"
puts "Server is offline!"
To simply connect to an address:
ms = MineStat.new("frag.land")
Connect to an address on a certain TCP or UDP port:
ms = MineStat.new("frag.land", 25565)
Same as above example and additionally includes a timeout in seconds:
ms = MineStat.new("frag.land", 25565, 3)
Same as above example and additionally includes an explicit protocol to use:
ms = MineStat.new("frag.land", 25565, 3, MineStat::Request::QUERY)
Connect to a Bedrock server and enable debug mode:
ms = MineStat.new("minecraft.frag.land", 19132, 3, MineStat::Request::BEDROCK, true)
Attempt all SLP protocols, disable debug mode, and disable DNS SRV resolution:
ms = MineStat.new("minecraft.frag.land", 25565, 3, MineStat::Request::SLP, false, false)
- Discord: https://discord.frag.land
- GitHub: https://github.com/FragLand/minestat