The web framework for content-driven websites. ⭐️ Star to support our work!
TypeScript-first schema validation with static type inference
Lexical is an extensible text editor framework that provides excellent reliability, accessibility and performance.
🌌 A complete search engine and RAG pipeline in your browser, server or edge network with support for full-text, vector, and hybrid search in less than 2kb.
🌟 Build beautiful, accessible, high-performance documentation websites with Astro
A Node.js PostgreSQL client with runtime and build time type safety, and composable SQL.
A fast, efficient Node.js Worker Thread Pool implementation
🔥 Fully-local simulator for Cloudflare Workers. For the latest version, see
HTML parsing/serialization toolset for Node.js. WHATWG HTML Living Standard (aka HTML5)-compliant.
Beautiful image placeholders, without the hassle.
Elder.js is an opinionated static site generator and web framework for Svelte built with SEO in mind.
Optimizes static websites for best user experience and best Core Web Vitals scores.
A JavaScript/TypeScript API for interacting with the XRP Ledger in Node.js and the browser
Customizable Toast Notifications for SolidJS
A rollup plugin to generate .d.ts rollup files for your typescript project
Statistically rigorous benchmark runner for the web
a Hot Module Replacement (HMR) API for your ESM-based dev server.
Electron Turborepo monorepo with Next.js, Typescript, Vite and more
🧵 An experimental svelte compiler & watcher that works with snowpack
A small, easy & zero-dependency progress bar component
Take control of your online presence with - the true open-source alternative to Linktree.
📄 Copy text from browser to clipboard...natively! < 1kB
A pre-configured setup for easy website development with Astro and Payload CMS using Docker.