A Node.js PostgreSQL client with runtime and build time type safety, and composable SQL.
Publish integrations within minutes.
🌟 Build beautiful, accessible, high-performance documentation websites with Astro
Take control of your online presence with - the true open-source alternative to Linktree.
TypeScript-first schema validation with static type inference
🌌 A complete search engine and RAG pipeline in your browser, server or edge network with support for full-text, vector, and hybrid search in less than 2kb.
Astro component parser for ESLint
Hackathon project for Astro 1.0. Demos Angular v13 working with Astro, using SSR on the server-side, and client side hydration.
Electron Turborepo monorepo with Next.js, Typescript, Vite and more
The web framework for content-driven websites. ⭐️ Star to support our work!
A collection of quality open-source fonts (mostly not on Google Fonts)
Feed any HTML file, and get back an array of ordered imports
A plugin for Snowpack to bundle for production.
Minify HTML in production using html-minifier with Snowpack
TailwindCSS with Svelte and Snowpack v3
A snowpack plugin that maps your imports to Skypack or other sources.
babel and postcss at latest with browserlist powered preset-env
GitHub Action that adds compressed size changes to your PRs.
A custom transformer that can be used with ttypescript to transform ts imports to browser style imports
Pluggable and configurable code formatting platform written in Rust.
Simple ToDo list built with Snowpack, Hyperapp and JSX.
A rollup plugin to generate .d.ts rollup files for your typescript project