🧠Digital version of the widely used Trail Making Test using jsPsych library v6.1.0. Also:
jspsych-psychophysics modified plugin.
Virtual chin rest modified plugin.
The Trail Making Test is a neuropsychological test of visual attention and task switching. It consists of two parts in which the subject is instructed to connect a set of 25 dots as quickly as possible while still maintaining accuracy. The test can provide information about visual search speed, scanning, speed of processing, mental flexibility, as well as executive functioning. It is sensitive to detecting cognitive impairment associated with dementia, for example, Alzheimer's disease.
- TMT.html - Main script with jsPsych experiment structure
- analysis - Matlab script for data analysis
- sigstar for lines and asterisks indicating significant differences between two groups
- GetGoogleSpreadSheet
- stim_generator - Matlab scripts for TMT stimuli generation. The stimuli are images with the TMT structure.
Applied Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, Computer science department, Faculty of Exact and Natural Sciences, University of Buenos Aires (UBA) and Institute for Research in Computer Science, CONICET-UBA.