Review the challenges and potential of ARM-based Apple Silicon macOS for brain imaging research
Docker - Beginners | Intermediate | Advanced
Container for Freesurfer recon-all, thalamus, brainstem, hippocampus/amygdala
RNN and general weights, gradients, & activations visualization in Keras & TensorFlow
PyTorch implementation of FastSurferCNN
Updated xnat downloader using pyxnat
Univariate and mass-univariate linear mixed-effects analysis for FreeSurfer imaging data.
A hands-free DTI, DKI, FBI and FBWM preprocessing pipeline. Information on algorithms and preprocessing steps are available at A video tu…
Open-source eddy-current and head-motion correction for dMRI.
Repository for the book Simplifying Machine Learning with PyCaret.
Adaptive boosting for ordinal target variables using neural networks
Harmonization of multi-site imaging data with ComBat
MRtrix3 provides a set of tools to perform various advanced diffusion MRI analyses, including constrained spherical deconvolution (CSD), probabilistic tractography, track-density imaging, and appar…
Code used in the Meisler and Gabrieli 2022 eLife paper on fixel based analyses of reading abilities.
dsgibbons / shap
Forked from shap/shapA game theoretic approach to explain the output of any machine learning model.
A game theoretic approach to explain the output of any machine learning model.
🧠💬 Articles I wrote about machine learning, archived from
DIPY is the paragon 3D/4D+ medical imaging library in Python. Contains generic methods for spatial normalization, signal processing, machine learning, statistical analysis and visualization of medi…
Diffusion parameter EStImation with Gibbs and NoisE Removal pipeline
Script-framework using FSL, Freesurfer and AFNI functionality for automatization and high-throughput processing of MRI data in clustered environments.
Machine learning project for implementing the RISE method for identifying key features in the input
Toolbox for the analysis of cerebellar imaging data
Code for ANTS book (Cohen, 2012, MIT Press)