Docker oracle integration courtesy of egojason/docker-python-oracle
This docker image serves as a microservice to be used in an HTTP transform by executing queries to a database for entities.
- Create testing environment
- Recommended using PyCharm with Docker integration to easily set environment variables for the container during the testing phase.
- Otherwise set the env variables in your terminal environment and run something like
docker build -t <your-docker-user>/httpOracle . && docker run --env db_host=$DB_HOST --env db_port=$DB_PORT --env db_database=$DB_DATABASE --env db_username=$DB_USERNAME --env db_password=$DB_PSW --env handler=$DB_HANDLER --env query=$DB_QUERY --env LOG_LEVEL=$DB_LOG_LEVEL --name httpOracle -t -i -p 5000:5000 --rm <your-dockeruser>/httpOracle
- Where each $DB_% is an environment variable which is available in the terminal
- !!!Setup your query to use '{key}' to grab values from the entity!
- Like this
SELECT * FROM A WHERE a.ID = '{_id}'
- This example will use the current entity's _id and pass it into the query.
- Like this
- Use generic handler or Create your own handler in handlers.python
returns an entity appended with the query result. This will be a list where each row is a dictionary.- Each handler needs the parameters:
dbconnection, variables, logger, entity
- Variables to get the query.
- dbconnection to run the query against.
- logger to log the errors which might be generated
- entity which is the input entity to the HTTP transform and ends up as the output of the HTTP tansform
- I recommend only appending keys here and not removing values! You can choose which fields you want to keep in a second DTL transform.
- Set your handler name as the environment variable 'handler' and pass it into the program.
- Use
curl -X POST -d '{"_id":"mock-data"}'
and look at the result- If something goes wrong use
docker logs httpOracle
- If something goes wrong use
- Run the microservice inside Sesam. System config:
"_id": "http-oracle-transform",
"type": "system:microservice",
"docker": {
"environment": {
"db_database": "$ENV(HTTP_ORACLE_DATABASE)",
"db_host": "$ENV(HTTP_ORACLE_HOST)",
"db_port": 1521,
"db_username": "$ENV(HTTP_ORACLE_USERNAME)",
"handler": "generic_handler",
"query": "SELECT address, zip FROM a WHERE a.ID = '{_id}' AND a.phone_no = '{phone_no}'"
"image": "sesamcommunity/oracle-transform:1.1.0",
"port": 5000
"verify_ssl": true
Pipe example config
"_id": "testing-http-transform",
"type": "pipe",
"source": {
"type": "embedded",
"_id":"im in a query wohoo",
"phone_no": "call me maybe"
"transform": [{
"type": "dtl",
"rules": {
"default": [
["copy", "*"],
["add", "::do_query", [<Condition-To-Do-Query>]]
"type": "http",
"system": "http-oracle-transform",
"batch_size": 100,
"url": "/transform"
}, {
"type": "dtl",
"rules": {
"default": [
["copy", "*"]
If the example configs where used above the microservice would put the keys from the entity into the query like this:
SELECT address, zip, subs FROM a WHERE a.ID = 'im in a query wohoo' AND a.phone_no = 'call me maybe'
and if the conditon for do_query == TRUE
and the query returned for example two rows, the output would look like this:
"_id":"im in a query wohoo",
"phone_no": "call me maybe",
"do_query": true
"query_result": [
"adress": "spoofed",
"zip": 1337
}, {
"adress": "MI7",
"zip": 0007