You can monitor any sesam-node instance (up or down) on using this microservice.
Here , an example of system config for this inside a node.
"SESAM_API_URL", "JWT", "PAGE_ID", "COMPONENT_ID", "API_KEY" : These are required environment variables.
This script works with both self-service multinodes and single (normal) nodes.
"_id": "monitoring-node",
"type": "system:microservice",
"docker": {
"environment": {
"API_KEY": "<your status page api-key>",
"COMPONENT_ID": "<your status page component id>",
"JWT": "<your node jwt key to access that node>",
"PAGE_ID": "<your status page page-id>",
"SESAM_API_URL": "<your node instance url like: >"
"image": "sesamcommunity/statuspage:1.1.0",
"port": 5000
"verify_ssl": true
You can also specify some optional environment variables to automatically send emails based off of which subnodes are down or if a signle node is down.
"SMTP_HOST": "",
"SMTP_PASSWORD": "$SECRET(smpt_password)",
"SMTP_SENDER": "SesamMailSender@<>",
"SMTP_USERNAME": "SesamMailSender@<>",
"RECIPIENTS": ["", ""]