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Practice question answers for Certified Kubernetes Administrator course

This repository contains answers for the practice tests hosted on the course Certified Kubernetes Administrators Course

Section Test
Core Concepts Practice Test Introduction
Core Concepts ReplicaSets
Core Concepts Deployments
Core Concepts Namespaces
Core Concepts Services Cluster IP
Scheduling Manual Scheduling
Scheduling Labels and Selectors
Scheduling Resource Limits
Scheduling DaemonSets
Scheduling Multiple Schedulers
Logging & Monitoring Monitor Cluster Components
Logging & Monitoring Managing Application Logs
Application Lifecycle Management Rolling Updates and Rollbacks
Application Lifecycle Management Commands and Arguments
Application Lifecycle Management ConfigMaps
Application Lifecycle Management Secrets
Application Lifecycle Management Liveness Probes
Cluster Maintenance OS Upgrades
Cluster Maintenance Cluster Upgrade Process
Cluster Maintenance Backup ETCD
Security View Certificate Details
Security Certificates API
Security KubeConfig
Security Role Based Access Controls
Security Cluster Roles
Security Image Security
Security Security Contexts
Security Network Policies
Storage Persistent Volume Claims
Networking CNI in kubernetes
Networking CNI weave
Networking CNI Weave Read
Networking CNI Deploy Weave
Networking Service Networking
Networking CoreDNS in Kubernetes
Install Bootstrap worker node
Install Bootstrap worker node - 2
Install End to End Tests - Run and Analyze
Troubleshooting Application Failure
Troubleshooting Control Plane Failure
Troubleshooting Worker Node Failure

Contributing Guide

  1. The folder structure for all topics and associated practice tests are created already. Use the same pattern to create one if it doesn't exist.
  2. Create a file with your answers. If you have a different answer than the one that is already there, create a new answer file with your name in it.
  3. Do not post the entire question. Only post the question number.
  4. Send in a pull request