Hello There, I'm Gastón Arévalo

- Javascript / TypeScript
- Scrum Master
- Angular 2+ (Currently 12)
- VueJS (Vue 3)
- Python & Flask
- HTML5 / CSS3
- PHP7 & MySQL
- Bootstrap 5 / Bulma.io / Material UI
- Heroku & Firebase
- VS Code
- Git, Jira & Bitbucket
- DialogFlow
- ⚛ AWS -> 🌱 In Progress..
- 🐾 Advanced NodeJS -> 🌱 In Progress..
- Spanish: Native
- English: B2 🌱
- 🚀 My team and I won Cordoba Nasa SpacesApps challenge in 2019 and 2020 and get Global nominate
- 🔭 I am currently working on an application to promote, collaborate and help the environment, through planting native species 🌱
- 🤖 I build Chatbots with Dialog Flow
- ⚡ I am an Electronic Technician
- 🐞 Some Knowledge About software testing QA
- 👴I was born in 1999, today I live in Córdoba, Argentina. 🇦🇷
- 👨💻I love learning technologies to build projects that help solve problems and change the world.
- I love coffee, I am a barista my favorite method is brewing with Chemex
- I love music and play some instruments