Mjolnir Mod Manager is a simple to use python program for installing game mod packs. It was initially created to streamline mod pack downloads and updates for the Yggdrasil Minecraft Server.
- Minecraft (Java)
- Download The Latest Release
- Run the Mjolnir Mod Manager.exe
- Allow through Virus Protection if needed (Security Concerns
- Blocked by Virus Protection
- "More Info" then "Run Anyway"
- Why is the app flagged as a threat
Due to how most modern virus protections work this app is likely to be flagged as potentially dangerous. This is for a few reasons which are listed below.
- This app is very new and most virus protections have never seen it.
- It is compiled into an exe which while conveniant for you makes virus protection suspisous.
- It modifies files to install mods and make backups.
However if you are concerned about security I urge you to read to source code or if you want install using the python script (Uncompiled).
Interested in contributing? Feel free to reach out to me on my discord! Geoffery10#6969
- Geoffery Powell - Geoffery10
Mjolnir Mod Manager is protected under GNU General Public License v3.0
Credit to all mod creators who's mods are featured in any of the downloadable packs.