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inGetScatter/ScatterDesktop (press backspace or delete to remove)On 8/4/2019 I transferred all my EOS and WAX tokens to Scatter. I did this because the WAX to WAXP conversion was
supposed to be automatic in the Scatter wallet. I have ZEO WAXP tokens and 6,620.102 WAX ...
- Opened on Apr 13, 2023
- #582
I haven t used my wallet in a few years, now when I go to sign in, it asks for a new password, so new wallet? Where did
my old wallet go and what would I need to get it?
- Opened on Nov 8, 2022
- #575
img width= 1241 alt= Screen Shot 2022-07-05 at 11 19 32 PM src=
Been trying since two days but nothing ...
- 7
- Opened on Jul 6, 2022
- #574
I am at my witts end trying to get my tokens out of my Scatter wallet and there seems to be no assistance anywhere... I
can access my wallet but I cannot send from it and it won t generate my private ...
- Opened on Dec 24, 2021
- #567
Bonjour, Lorsque je veux retirer les eos depuis la mise à jour vers scatter 12.1.1, j ai toujours la même erreur qui s
affiche failed to fetch ! De plus, la plus part du temps que je l ouvre, la case pour ...
- 2
- Opened on Dec 15, 2021
- #566
trying to transfer BTC after minutes of nothing, error message pops up Problems with UTX .
nothing happens, nothing gets transfered.
- Opened on Dec 7, 2021
- #564
Anyone figure out how to fix this issue? My $ balance shows up as $0 and I can only see my EOS and Wax tokens when I
click on send. However, I can t send because of the Problem connecting to prices API ...
- 1
- Opened on Nov 7, 2021
- #563
Hi, the settings page remains blank, I can t make a backup ... I reinstalled Scatter but the problem is still here.
- Opened on Nov 4, 2021
- #562
Had the Scatter v10 and it wouldn t send EOS earlier today. Thought maybe I needed an update and updated to 12.0.1. Had
a very difficult time getting it linked and it took forever. Now I have a pricing ...
- 1
- Opened on Sep 7, 2021
- #558

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