- Naver Cloud Platform | Software Engineer Intern, Terraform Provider Development (24.08~25.02)
- TG Society | Frontend Engineer Intern (23.06~23.11)
- Golang Korea Organizer (24.06~25.01)
- AWSKRUG University Student Group 7th Crew & 8th Co-Organizer (23.07~)
- SOPT 32th WEB Part, got MVP (23.04~23.07)
- terraform-plugin-codegen-framework: Built codegen CLI tool from scratch (24.08~25.02).
- terraform-plugin-codegen-openapi: Built Go SDK codegen tool from scratch (24.08~25.02).
- gofiber/storage: Add Cloudflare KV storage driver using in fiber & test module of Cloudflare Wrangler (#1298)
- caddyserver/caddy: Disable HTTP/3 for unix domain socket (#6769)
- biomejs/biome: Apply line break with multiple attributes in multiline configuration (#4984)
Minor (non-core)
- kubeslice/kubeslice-monitoring: Refactor format of event creation log (#40)
- Typo fix at gin-gonic/website (#269).
- AWS Certified - DevOps Engineer Professional
- AWS Certified - Solutions Architect Associate
- SQL Developer