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Version: 0.0.0 Type: application AppVersion: unstable

A Helm chart for installing ggbridge


Key Type Default Description
affinity object {} Affinity for pod assignment
annotations object {} Set server annotations
caBundle.certs string "" Specify CA certificates to inject (PEM format)
caBundle.existingSecret string "" Specify the secret containing the CA certificate to inject
caBundle.existingSecretKey string "ca.crt" Specify secret key under the CA certificated is stored
caBundle.image.digest string "" Image digest in the way sha256:aa....
caBundle.image.pullPolicy string "IfNotPresent" Image pull policy
caBundle.image.pullSecrets list [] Image pull secrets
caBundle.image.registry string "" Image registry
caBundle.image.repository string "gitguardian/ggbridge" Image repository
caBundle.image.tag string "" Image tag
client.connectionMinIdle int 0 Pool of open connection to the server, in order to speed up the connection process
client.readinessProbe.enabled bool true Enable Client Readiness Probe
client.readinessProbe.exec.command[0] string "ggbridge"
client.readinessProbe.exec.command[1] string "healthcheck"
client.readinessProbe.exec.command[2] string "-grace-period=60"
client.readinessProbe.exec.command[3] string ""
client.readinessProbe.failureThreshold int 1
client.readinessProbe.initialDelaySeconds int 10
client.readinessProbe.periodSeconds int 15
client.readinessProbe.successThreshold int 1
client.readinessProbe.timeoutSeconds int 5 bool true Enable server to client health tunnel
client.reverseTunnels.socks.enabled bool true Enable server to client socks tunnel
client.reverseTunnels.tls.enabled bool false Enable server to client tls tunnel
client.reverseTunnels.web.enabled bool false Enable server to client web tunnel (for HTTP/HTTPS traffic) bool true Enable client to server health tunnel
client.tunnels.socks.enabled bool false Enable client to server socks tunnel
client.tunnels.tls.enabled bool false Enable client to server tls tunnel
client.tunnels.web.enabled bool false Enable client to server web tunnel (for HTTP/HTTPS traffic)
clusterDomain string "cluster.local" Kubernetes cluster domain
commonAnnotations object {} Add annotations to all the deployed resources
commonLabels object {} Add labels to all the deployed resources
containerSecurityContext.enabled bool true Enable Container security Context in deployments
deploymentCount int 3 Number of deployments
dnsResolver string "" Dns resolver to use to lookup ips of domain name
domain string "" Domain
extraEnv list [] Array with extra environment variables # e.g: # extraEnv: # - name: FOO # value: "bar" #
fullnameOverride string "" Override the default fully qualified app name
hostname string "" Hostname
image.digest string "" Image digest in the way sha256:aa....
image.pullPolicy string "IfNotPresent" Image pull policy
image.pullSecrets list [] Image pull secrets
image.registry string "" Image registry
image.repository string "gitguardian/ggbridge" Image repository
image.tag string "" Image tag
labels object {} Set server labels
logLevel string "INFO" Set log level
mode string "client" Deployment mode: "client" or "server"
nameOverride string "" Override the default chart name
networkPolicy.allowExternal bool true When true, server will accept connections from any source
networkPolicy.enabled bool true Specifies whether a NetworkPolicy should be created
networkPolicy.extraEgress list [] Add egress rules to the NetworkPolicy. By default, allow all egress traffic. e.g: extraEgress: - to: - ipBlock: cidr:
networkPolicy.extraIngress list [] Add extra ingress rules to the NetworkPolicy
networkPolicy.ingressNSMatchLabels object {} Labels to match to allow traffic to the proxy server from other namespaces
networkPolicy.ingressNSPodMatchLabels object {} Pod labels to match to allow traffic to the proxy server from other namespaces
nodeSelector object {} Node labels for pod assignment
pdb.create bool true Enable/disable a Pod Disruption Budget creation
pdb.maxUnavailable string "" Max number of pods that can be unavailable after the eviction
pdb.minAvailable int 1 Minimum number of pods that must still be available after the eviction
podAnnotations object {} This is for setting Kubernetes Annotations to a Pod
podLabels object {} This is for setting Kubernetes Labels to a Pod
podSecurityContext.enabled bool true Enable Pod security Context in deployments
proxy.affinity object {} Affinity for pod assignment
proxy.annotations object {} Set proxy annotations
proxy.labels object {} Set proxy labels
proxy.networkPolicy.allowExternal bool true When true, server will accept connections from any source
proxy.networkPolicy.enabled bool true Specifies whether a NetworkPolicy should be created
proxy.networkPolicy.extraEgress list [] Add extra egress rules to the NetworkPolicy
proxy.networkPolicy.extraIngress list [] Add extra ingress rules to the NetworkPolicy
proxy.networkPolicy.ingressNSMatchLabels object {} Labels to match to allow traffic to the proxy server from other namespaces
proxy.networkPolicy.ingressNSPodMatchLabels object {} Pod labels to match to allow traffic to the proxy server from other namespaces
proxy.nodeSelector object {} Node labels for pod assignment
proxy.readinessProbe.enabled bool true Whether to enable readiness probe for proxy
proxy.readinessProbe.exec.command[0] string "ggbridge"
proxy.readinessProbe.exec.command[1] string "healthcheck"
proxy.readinessProbe.exec.command[2] string "-pid-file=/var/run/"
proxy.readinessProbe.exec.command[3] string "-grace-period=60"
proxy.readinessProbe.exec.command[4] string ""
proxy.readinessProbe.failureThreshold int 1
proxy.readinessProbe.initialDelaySeconds int 10
proxy.readinessProbe.periodSeconds int 15
proxy.readinessProbe.successThreshold int 1
proxy.readinessProbe.timeoutSeconds int 5
proxy.replicaCount int 1 Number of pods for each deployment
proxy.resources.limits object {} Set proxy container limits
proxy.resources.requests object {"cpu":"50m","memory":"64Mi"} Set proxy container requests
proxy.service.annotations object {"":"Auto"} Set proxy service annotations string "" - Set the proxy service name int 9081 bool false Defines whether the health port is exposed if service.type is LoadBalancer or NodePort int 8081 Specify the health service port number int 8081
proxy.service.ports.socks.containerPort int 9180 bool true Defines whether the socks port is exposed if service.type is LoadBalancer or NodePort
proxy.service.ports.socks.port int 1080 Specify the socks service port number
proxy.service.ports.tls.containerPort int 9443 bool true Defines whether the tls port is exposed if service.type is LoadBalancer or NodePort
proxy.service.ports.tls.port int 443 Specify the tls service port number
proxy.service.ports.tls.remoteContainerPort int 8443
proxy.service.ports.web.containerPort int 9080 bool true Defines whether the web port is exposed if service.type is LoadBalancer or NodePort
proxy.service.ports.web.internalPort int 8080
proxy.service.ports.web.port int 80 Specify the web service port number
proxy.service.ports.web.remoteContainerPort int 8443
proxy.service.type string "ClusterIP" Kubernetes Service type
proxy.tolerations list [] Tolerations for pod assignment
proxy.topologySpreadConstraints list [] Topology spread constraints for pod assignment
proxy.tunnels.socks.gateway.annotations object {} Set gateway annotations
proxy.tunnels.socks.gateway.enabled bool false Enable socks tunnel exposure using Kubernetes Gateway API
proxy.tunnels.socks.gateway.gateway.className string "" Set the gatewayClassName
proxy.tunnels.socks.gateway.gateway.create bool true Specifies whether a Gateway resource should be created alongside the routing resource
proxy.tunnels.socks.gateway.gateway.ports object {"socks":1080} Specify Gateway ports number
proxy.tunnels.socks.gateway.parentRefs list [] Specify the existing gateway resources
proxy.tunnels.socks.service.annotations object {"":"Auto"} Specify socks service annotations bool false Defines whether the health port is exposed if service.type is LoadBalancer or NodePort int 8081 Specify the health port number bool true Defines whether the socks port is exposed if service.type is LoadBalancer or NodePort
proxy.tunnels.socks.service.ports.socks.port int 1080 Specify the socks port number
proxy.tunnels.socks.service.type string "ClusterIP" Kubernetes Service type
proxy.tunnels.tls.gateway.annotations object {} Set gateway annotations
proxy.tunnels.tls.gateway.enabled bool false Enable tls tunnel exposure using Kubernetes Gateway API
proxy.tunnels.tls.gateway.gateway.className string "" Set the gatewayClassName
proxy.tunnels.tls.gateway.gateway.create bool true Specifies whether a Gateway resource should be created alongside the routing resource
proxy.tunnels.tls.gateway.gateway.listeners list [{"hostname":""},{"hostname":""}] Specify tls tunnel listeners
proxy.tunnels.tls.gateway.gateway.ports object {"tls":443} Specify Gateway ports number
proxy.tunnels.tls.gateway.parentRefs list [] Specify the existing gateway resources
proxy.tunnels.tls.ingress.annotations object {} Set ingress annotations
proxy.tunnels.tls.ingress.className string "" Set the ingress ClassName
proxy.tunnels.tls.ingress.controller string "" Specify the ingress controller
proxy.tunnels.tls.ingress.enabled bool false Enable tls tunnel exposure using Kubernetes Ingress API
proxy.tunnels.tls.ingress.listeners list [{"hostname":""},{"hostname":""}] Specify tls tunnel listeners
proxy.tunnels.tls.service.annotations object {"":"Auto"} Specify tls service annotations bool false Defines whether the health port is exposed if service.type is LoadBalancer or NodePort int 8081 Specify the health port number bool true Defines whether the tls port is exposed if service.type is LoadBalancer or NodePort
proxy.tunnels.tls.service.ports.tls.port int 443 Specify the tls port number
proxy.tunnels.tls.service.type string "ClusterIP" Kubernetes Service type
proxy.tunnels.web.gateway.annotations object {} Set gateway annotations
proxy.tunnels.web.gateway.enabled bool false Enable web tunnel exposure using Kubernetes Gateway API
proxy.tunnels.web.gateway.gateway.className string "" Set the gatewayClassName
proxy.tunnels.web.gateway.gateway.create bool true Specifies whether a Gateway resource should be created alongside the routing resource
proxy.tunnels.web.gateway.gateway.listeners list [] Specify web tunnel listeners # e.g: # listeners: # - hostname: # backend: # tls: # secretName: "internal-crt" # - hostname: # backend: # tls: # secretName: "internal-crt"
proxy.tunnels.web.gateway.gateway.ports object {"http":80,"https":443} Specify Gateway ports number
proxy.tunnels.web.gateway.parentRefs list [] Specify the existing gateway resources
proxy.tunnels.web.ingress.annotations object {} Set ingress annotations
proxy.tunnels.web.ingress.className string "" Set the ingress ClassName
proxy.tunnels.web.ingress.controller string "" Specify the ingress controller
proxy.tunnels.web.ingress.enabled bool false Enable web tunnel exposure using Kubernetes Ingress API
proxy.tunnels.web.ingress.listeners list [] Specify web tunnel listeners # In this example, the following redirection will occur through the web tunnel: # - -> # - -> # e.g: # listeners: # - hostname: # backend: # tls: # secretName: "internal-crt" # - hostname: # backend: # tls: # secretName: "internal-crt"
proxy.tunnels.web.service.annotations object {"":"Auto"} Specify web service annotations
proxy.tunnels.web.service.listeners list [] Specify web tunnel listeners # Each listener defines a service name that will be used to construct the full internal service DNS. # - name: Corresponds to the service name and will be suffixed by <namespace>.svc.<clusterDomain>, # making it resolvable within the cluster. # e.g., if name: api-gitguardian-com is defined in the ggbridge namespace with cluster domain cluster.local, # the full DNS would be api-gitguardian-com.ggbridge.svc.cluster.local. # # - backend: Specifies the external host where the request will be redirected. # This is typically a public or internal endpoint that the service should forward traffic to. # In this example, the following redirection will occur through the web tunnel: # http://api-gitguardian-com.ggbridge.svc.cluster.local -> # # listeners: # - name: api-gitguardian-com # backend: bool false Defines whether the health port is exposed if service.type is LoadBalancer or NodePort int 8081 Specify the health port number bool true Defines whether the web port is exposed if service.type is LoadBalancer or NodePort
proxy.tunnels.web.service.ports.web.port int 80 Specify the web port number
proxy.tunnels.web.service.type string "ClusterIP" Kubernetes Service type
proxy.updateStrategy.rollingUpdate.maxSurge int 1
proxy.updateStrategy.rollingUpdate.maxUnavailable int 0
proxy.updateStrategy.type string "RollingUpdate" Customize updateStrategy
proxyProtocol.enabled bool false When true, enables proxy protocol v2 for tcp tunnels
replicaCount int 1 Number of pods for each deployment
resources.limits object {} Set container limits
resources.requests object {"cpu":"100m","memory":"128Mi"} Set container requests
server.gateway.annotations object {} Set gateway annotations
server.gateway.enabled bool false Enable server exposure using Kubernetes Gateway API
server.gateway.gateway.className string "" Set the gatewayClassName
server.gateway.gateway.create bool true Specifies whether a Gateway resource should be created alongside the routing resource (HTTPRoute)
server.gateway.gateway.ports object {"http":80,"https":443} Specify Gateway ports number
server.gateway.parentRefs list [] Specify the existing gateway resources
server.idleTimeout int 30 Configure how much time a tunnel server is going to wait idle (without any new ws clients) before unbinding itself/stopping the server
server.ingress.annotations object {} Set ingress annotations
server.ingress.className string "" Set the ingress ClassName
server.ingress.controller string "" Specify the ingress controller
server.ingress.enabled bool false Enable exposure using Kubernetes Ingress API
server.istio.annotations object {} Set Istio annotations
server.istio.enabled bool false Enable server exposure using Istio ingress
server.istio.gateway.create bool true Specifies whether an Istio Gateway resource should be created alongside the Virtual Service
server.istio.gateway.namespace string "" Specify the gateway namespace
server.istio.gateway.ports object {"http":80,"https":443} Specify Istio Gateway ports number
server.istio.gateway.selector object {"istio":"ingress"} Set Istio Gateway selector
server.istio.gateway.tls object {"credentialName":"","minProtocolVersion":"TLSV1_2"} Specify Gateway TLS options
server.istio.gateway.tls.credentialName string "" Set the exising TLS secret
server.istio.gateways list [] Specify the existing gateway resources for Virtual Service
server.service.annotations object {} Specify server serivce annottions int 9000 Set the server websocket container port int 9000 Set the server websocket service port
server.service.type string "ClusterIP" Kubernetes Service type
serviceAccount.annotations object {} Annotations to add to the service account
serviceAccount.create bool true Specifies whether a service account should be created string "" The name of the service account to use
subdomain string "" Subdomain
terminationGracePeriodSeconds int 300
tls.autoGenerated bool false Generate automatically self-signed TLS certificates
tls.caCrt string "" CA certificate in PEM format
tls.certManager.enabled bool false Manage certifcates with cert-manager
tls.certManager.issuer.kind string "Issuer" Issuer kind ("Issuer" or "ClusterIssuer") string "" Set Issuer to use
tls.certManager.issuer.spec object {} Set Issuer spec (if specified, it will manage the issuer)
tls.certManager.namespace string "cert-manager" cert-manager namespace
tls.certManager.rbac.create bool true
tls.certManager.rbac.subjects list [] Grants cert-manager permissions to the sepcfied subjects (Deprecated) # e.g: # subjects: # - kind: ServiceAccount # name: gim # namespace: gim
tls.certManager.serviceAccount string "cert-manager" cert-manager service account name
tls.crt string "" Server certificate in PEM format
tls.enabled bool false Enable TLS traffic support
tls.existingSecret string "" Specify TLS secret containing the certificate
tls.existingSecretKeys.caCrt string "" Existing secret key storing the Certificate Authority
tls.existingSecretKeys.crt string "" Existing secret key storing the server certificate
tls.existingSecretKeys.key string "" Existing secret key storing the server certificate key
tls.key string "" Server certificate key in PEM format
tls.mode string "mutual" TLS mode (can be "mutual" or "simple")
tls.verifyCert bool true Enable TLS certificate verification
tolerations list [] Tolerations for pod assignment
topologySpreadConstraints list [] Topology spread constraints for pod assignment
updateStrategy.rollingUpdate.maxSurge int 1
updateStrategy.rollingUpdate.maxUnavailable int 0
updateStrategy.type string "RollingUpdate" Customize updateStrategy of Deployment
whitelist object {"cidr":[],"hosts":[]} Specify hosts whitelist (Only available for web and tls tunnel) # e.g: # whitelist: # hosts: # - # cidr: # -

Autogenerated from chart metadata using helm-docs v1.14.2