- Updated to ggshield 1.37.0.
- ggshield binaries are no longer bundled in the extension, the correct binary is downloaded at startup. This makes the extension much lighter while still not requiring installing ggshield manually.
- Updated to ggshield 1.36.0.
- Fix 'refresh quota' button
- Removed GGShield path and API key from the extension settings
- Improve the authentication process and add more information when it fails.
- Only display one problem when a secret URI is detected
- Added an option in the vscode settings to allow self-signed certificates
- Default value for Gitguardian API Url is https://dashboard.gitguardian.com
- Ensure all global environment variables are loaded before making API calls
- Load .env configuration and ensure environment specific settings are applied
- Prevent scanning gitignored files
- Status bar displays error when scanning ignored files
- Stop displaying error when scanning file ignored in .gitguardian.yaml
- Remove API key from settings
- Improve logging for invalid settings
- Handled Authentication if the .gitguardian.yaml is malformed
- Do not display CLI path in settings
- One-Click Authentication
- Automatic Secret Scanning on Save
- Custom Remediation Guidelines
- Visibility into Usage Quota