Add the repository to Helm with:
helm repo add gg-nhi
Then install the scout, with a values file (examples below):
helm upgrade scout gg-nhi/nhi-scout --install --values values.yml
An example values file that fetches from HashiCorp Vault and GitLab CI:
type: hashicorpvault
vault_address: "https://your-vault-address-here"
# Token configuration can be read from environment variables like so:
auth_token: "${HASHICORP_VAULT_TOKEN}"
fetch_all_versions: true
path: "secret/"
type: gitlabci
token: "${GITLAB_TOKEN}"
url: ""
# To upload, set the gitguardian URL and tokens. Ensure the endpoint path ends with /v1
# This is optional: omit this to prevent uploading and to only test collection.
endpoint: "https://my-gg-instance/v1"
api_token: "${GITGUARDIAN_API_KEY}"
# Job to fetch defined sources
# Set to `false` to disable the job
enabled: true
# Run every 15 minutes
schedule: '*/15 * * * *'
# If set to `false`, see the fetch-only configuration example in charts/nhi-scout/examples/fetch_only
send: true
# Job to be able to sync/write secrets from GitGuardian into you vault
# Set to `false` to disable the job
enabled: true
# Run every minute
schedule: '* * * * *'
# This needs to be created separately (read instructions below), and contain the following keys:
# - `HASHICORP_VAULT_TOKEN` - the hashicorp vault token to use
# - `GITLAB_TOKEN` - the GitLab access token to use
# - `GITGUARDIAN_API_KEY` - the GitGuardian token to send results with
- secretRef:
name: gitguardian-nhi-scout-secrets
To create or update the secrets, you directly use Kubernetes Secrets API.
Create secrets.yaml
with the following content (replacing the values with your secrets):
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
name: gitguardian-nhi-scout-secrets
HASHICORP_VAULT_TOKEN: "my_vault_token"
GITGUARDIAN_API_KEY: "my_gitguardian_api_key"
GITLAB_TOKEN: "my_gitlab_token"
To apply the secrets to your cluster/namespace, run the following command: kubectl apply -f secrets.yaml
If you want to only fetch the identities without sending them, please see this example
Other examples can be found in charts/nhi-scout/examples.
Install mise, then run the following command to run tests:
$ mise run test