A Google Cloud Project is required in order to run the tests in the Cloud Run Samples. The project should have the following APIs enabled:
- Cloud Run
- Cloud Build
- Artifact Registry
- Set up billing for your project
- Cloud Build must be given access to deploy Cloud Run services (see Deploying to Cloud Run).
- Cloud Build GitHub App needs to be installed and connected to the repository. More info can be found in Installing the Cloud Build app.
Each sample has Cloud Build triggers:
- A Pull Request trigger [pr] which checks incoming changes.
- A Publish trigger [publish] which builds and pushes new container images.
- A Nightly trigger [nightly] which checks the affects of product changes, environment changes, and flakiness.
The trigger configs are defined in testing/triggers
and can be imported via:
gcloud builds triggers import --source testing/triggers/jobs.{TYPE}.yaml
These triggers are created or updated via:
gcloud beta builds triggers export jobs-{TYPE} \
--destination testing/triggers/jobs.{TYPE}.yaml
To manually trigger a Cloud Run (fully managed) build via CLI:
gcloud builds submit \
--config "testing/$SAMPLE.pr.cloudbuild.yaml" \
--substitutions "SHORT_SHA=manual"