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User-managed encryption key publisher

Code intended to be run by users of the Live Stream API. This code utilizes DRM provider CPIX APIs to fetch encryption keys and store them in Google Secret Manager for use with the Live Stream API's encryption feature.

To create a zip archive of all the files needed to run key publisher, run the script ./

1. Setup

Install and configure gcloud

Follow standard install instructions. Use gcloud config to set your project and preferred region/zone.

2. Configure Cloud Functions and API Gateway

Enable APIs

Enable the following Google APIs to host your key publisher and write key information to Secret Manager.

gcloud services enable
gcloud services enable
gcloud services enable
gcloud services enable
gcloud services enable
gcloud services enable

Create service accounts

Two service accounts are needed for your key publisher. The first allows your API Gateway to invoke your cloud function (with the IAM role of roles/cloudfunctions.invoker), and the second allows Cloud Functions to read and write to Secret Manager (with the IAM role of roles/secretmanager.admin).

Create the service account for invoking Cloud Functions:

gcloud iam service-accounts create livestream-cf-invoker \
  --display-name="Cloud Function invoker for the API Gateway" \
  --description="Service Account to be used by the API Gateway to invoke Cloud Functions"

Then configure the IAM policy binding using your project-id:

gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding [MY-PROJEC-ID] \
  --member serviceAccount:"livestream-cf-invoker@[MY-PROJECT-ID]" \
  --role "roles/cloudfunctions.invoker" \
  --no-user-output-enabled \

Next, create another service account for interacting with Secret Manager:

gcloud iam service-accounts create livestream-cloud-functions \
  --display-name="Service account for Cloud Functions" \
  --description="Service Account used for the Live Stream API key publisher functions"

Then configure the IAM policy binding:

gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding [MY-PROJECT-ID] \
  --member serviceAccount:"livestream-cloud-functions@[MY-PROJECT-ID]" \
  --role "roles/secretmanager.admin" \
  --no-user-output-enabled \

Deploy the cloud function

Create a file .env.yaml. Take a look at the example template file: env.template.yml. Copy the template file and replace any needed values. This file will store environment variables to be used by your function. This file should have the following contents (also included in the example file):

# Your project ID.
# The endpoint of the CPIX API the key publisher will be calling.
CPIX_ENDPOINT: https://cpix-api.url
# The ID of the secret containing the provider's public certificate.
CPIX_PUBLIC_CERT_PROVIDER_SECRET: cpix-public-cert-provider
# The ID of the secret containing your private key.
CPIX_PRIVATE_KEY_USER_SECRET: cpix-private-key-user
# The ID of the secret containing your public certificate.
CPIX_PUBLIC_CERT_USER_SECRET: cpix-public-cert-user
# (Optional) The ID of the secret containing your enduser private key.
CPIX_PRIVATE_KEY_ENDUSER_SECRET: cpix-private-key-enduser
# (Optional) The ID of the secret containing your enduser public certificate.
CPIX_PUBLIC_CERT_ENDUSER_SECRET: cpix-public-cert-enduser

Then deploy your function:

gcloud functions deploy livestream-key-publisher \
  --entry-point=keys \
  --runtime=python310 \
  --trigger-http \
  --memory=256MB \
  --security-level=secure-always \
  --timeout=60s \
  --env-vars-file=.env.yaml \

After your function is deployed, the response you get will contain the httpsTrigger.url field. It will show up in the following format:

    url: https://<REGION>-<MY-PROJECT_ID>

Save this value for later when you configure your API Gateway.

Create the API and API Gateway

Create the API:

gcloud api-gateway apis create livestream-key-publisher-api --display-name="Live Stream Key Publisher API"

Create a file api-config.yml. Take a look at the example template file: api-config.template.yml. Copy the template file and replace any needed values. In particular CLOUD_FUNCTION_URL must be replaced with the URL you received when you deployed your function.

Once the file has been created, create your API config:

gcloud api-gateway api-configs create livestream-key-publisher-api-config-1 \
  --display-name="Live Stream Key Publisher API Config v1" \
  --api=livestream-key-publisher-api \
  --openapi-spec="api-config.yml" \

Next, create the API Gateway. The following example deploys to GCP Region us-central1. You can choose a different location from supported GCP Regions listed here:

gcloud api-gateway gateways create livestream-key-publisher-api-gateway \
  --display-name="Live Stream Key Publisher API Gateway" \
  --api=livestream-key-publisher-api \
  --api-config=livestream-key-publisher-api-config-1 \

Once created, your API must be enabled. Run a command to describe your API:

gcloud api-gateway apis describe livestream-key-publisher-api

You will get the managedService field in the response. This is the service you need to enable. For example,

gcloud services enable livestream-key-publisher-api-144h6p0e7bzc1.apigateway.[MY-PROJECT-ID]

Now you need to locate the endpoint URL of your API. Run a command to describe your gateway:

gcloud api-gateway gateways describe livestream-key-publisher-api-gateway --location=us-central1

You will get the defaultHostname field in the response. For example,


You will send API requests to the URL received from your response.

Create an API key to use for making queries to your API, and restrict the API key such that only your newly created livestream-key-publisher-api can be called with the API key. Specify the API restriction with the managedService field from earlier:

gcloud alpha services api-keys create --api-target=service=[managedService]

For example

gcloud alpha services api-keys create --api-target=service=livestream-key-publisher-api-144h6p0e7bzc1.apigateway.[MY-PROJECT-ID]

Warning: You will get the keyString field in the response. This is your API key. Save this key, as you will not be able to retrieve it again.

Test your API

Using the above information, use curl to make a GET query to your API:

curl --location --request POST \
  '' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{"mediaId": "my-asset", "provider": "FakeProvider", "keyIds": ["abcd1234", "efgi5678"]}'

Arguments in the request body are:

  • mediaId: arbitrary identifier for the media being encrypted.
  • provider: the DRM provider to use. Omit this argument to see a list of supported providers.
  • keyIds: a list of key IDs to prepare for the given media ID.

This example query uses FakeProvider. This is a provider used as a reference example, which does not make any actual CPIX queries, but generates random hex strings in place of a real key. These keys will not work for a real encryption setup. keyIds should be unique identifiers for the keys provided by your third-party DRM provider. Please replace provider and keyIds accordingly. For mediaId, you can change it to any identifier to label the encrypted media.

If the query is successful, you will see a response like:


This is the name of the secret version that was created to hold your encryption keys.

To verify this, you can use gcloud to access the content of that secret:

gcloud secrets versions access projects/PROJECT_NUMBER/secrets/MEDIA_ID/versions/1

3. Update code

Use gcloud functions deploy to update your Cloud Function code. Ensure .env.yaml still exists (example file: env.template.yml).

gcloud functions deploy livestream-key-publisher \
  --entry-point=keys \
  --runtime=python310 \
  --trigger-http \
  --memory=256MB \
  --security-level=secure-always \
  --timeout=60s \
  --env-vars-file=.env.yaml \

If request paths or parameters have changed, you may also need to update api-config.yml to match. To do this, update api-config.yml as needed, then create a new API config:

gcloud api-gateway api-configs create livestream-key-publisher-api-config-2 \
  --display-name="Live Stream Key Publisher API Config v2" \
  --api=livestream-key-publisher-api \
  --openapi-spec="api-config.yml" \

Once the config has been created, update the API Gateway to use your new config:

gcloud api-gateway gateways update livestream-key-publisher-api-gateway \
  --api=livestream-key-publisher-api \
  --api-config=livestream-key-publisher-api-config-2 \

4. Supported Python Versions

The code samples for key publisher are compatible with all current active and maintenance versions of Python.

5. Testing

You can run unit tests for this code in a local environment. These tests do not utilize external services (e.g. Google Cloud Functions, Google Secret Manager).

Install python virtual environment:

sudo apt-get install python3-venv

Create a local virtual environment for running tests:

python3 -m venv venv-key-publisher-test

And activate the virtual environment:

. venv-key-publisher-test/bin/activate

Install dependencies needed for testing:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Execute the tests:

pytest -k -v