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auditor-action-core ⚙️

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The Action you are probably looking for is auditor-action

The core of the auditor-action. This is the package that does the heavy lifting. It is not meant to be used directly, but rather as a dependency of the auditor-action

About 💡

This package is the core of the auditor-action. It works by doing the following:

  1. Loads the auditor.yml configuration file
  2. Loads the Git Diff in JSON format from the git-diff-action
  3. Uses the config file to process the JSON git diff and looks for violations
  4. Reports the violations as a comment on the PR depending on what environment variables are set

Inputs 📥

Name Required? Default Description
github_token yes ${{ github.token }} The GitHub token to use for the Action - included for you by default!
annotate_pr no "true" Whether or not to annotate the PR with the violations
github_base_url yes The base URL for the GitHub instance you are using
json_diff_path yes diff.json The path to the JSON diff file to load
config_path yes config/auditor.yml The path to the auditor.yml configuration file
annotate_name yes The Auditor The name of the annotation to name to use
annotate_title yes The Auditor has detected findings in your pull request The title of the annotation to use
annotate_summary yes Please review the findings and make any necessary changes The summary of the annotation to use
annotate_status yes completed The status of the annotation to use
write_results_path no "" The path to write the markdown results to (for custom reporting) - Leave unset to disable writing results to a file

Outputs 📤

Name Description
passed Whether or not the audit passed - 'true' or 'false'
violation_count The number of violations found
requested_reviewers The list of requested reviewers (if any)

Configuration 📝

To view the full list of configuration options, see the auditor-action's section on configuration

Annotations ✅

By default, this Action will leave annotations on pull requests with any findings. You can disable this by setting the annotate_pr input to false. If you do not want to use the default annotation settings, you can override them with the annotate_name, annotate_title, annotate_summary, and annotate_status inputs.

Example Annotation 📸

Annotation Example

Permissions 🛡

️If you are using the annotate_pr option, you will need to provide the GITHUB_TOKEN with the checks: write permission. This is because the GITHUB_TOKEN provided by GitHub Actions does not have the necessary permissions to annotate PRs. If you are not using the annotate_pr option, you do not need to worry about this.

You will likely also need:

  • pull-requests: write
  • contents: read
  • actions: read