Personal Homebrew tap repo
brew tap grantbirki/tap
If the Formula has a name clash with a Formula in the homebrew-core repo, you will need to specify the tap name.
For example, I host my own version of the crystal
formula here to install the exact version that I want to use since the homebrew-core version of crystal
is not versioned with crystal@<version>
brew install grantbirki/tap/crystal
If a Formula needs to be updated, push the changes to this repo. Then run brew update
to update the local Homebrew cache. Then you can run brew upgrade <formula>
to upgrade the formula.
If you want to pin an exact version of a Formula and add it to this repo do the following:
- Ensure the name of the file is
- Example:foo@1.23.0.rb
- Ensure the class name matches the file name - Example:
class FooAT1230 < Formula