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Agent Check: Zabbix


Connect to Zabbix to:

  • Monitor Zabbix through the Datadog Agent.
  • Send Zabbix alerts to Datadog to see the alerts as events in your Datadog event stream.


The Zabbix check is not included in the Datadog Agent package, so you need to install it.


For Agent v7.21+ / v6.21+, follow the instructions below to install the Zabbix check on your host. See Use Community Integrations to install with the Docker Agent or earlier versions of the Agent.

  1. Run the following command to install the Agent integration:

    datadog-agent integration install -t datadog-zabbix==<INTEGRATION_VERSION>
  2. Configure your integration similar to core integrations.


  1. Make sure that your Zabbix server timezone is set to UTC. More information about Zabbix time zones can be found on the Zabbix documentation.

  2. Edit the zabbix.d/conf.yaml file, in the conf.d/ folder at the root of your Agent's configuration directory to start collecting your Zabbix performance data. See the sample zabbix.d/conf.yaml for all available configuration options.

  3. Restart the Agent.

Event collection

Create Datadog media type
  1. Navigate to Administration > Media Types > Create Media Type.
  2. Add parameters to the webhook using Zabbix template variables. Add your Datadog api_key and the following Zabbix template variables as parameters:
Parameter Value
api_key Your Datadog API key
event_date {EVENT.DATE}
event_name {EVENT.NAME}
event_nseverity {EVENT.NSEVERITY}
event_tags {EVENT.TAGSJSON}
event_time {EVENT.TIME}
event_value {EVENT.VALUE}
item_name {ITEM.NAME}
alert_message {ALERT.MESSAGE}
alert_subject {ALERT.SUBJECT}
  1. Set Name to Datadog, Type to Webhook, and input the following code as the Script:
	try {
		Zabbix.Log(4, '[datadog webhook] received value=' + value);

		var params = JSON.parse(value);
	    var req = new CurlHttpRequest();
		req.AddHeader('Content-Type: application/json');
	    var webhook_url = '' + params.api_key;
	    var webhook_data = value;
	    var resp = req.Post(webhook_url, webhook_data);
		if (req.Status() != 202) {
			throw 'Response code: '+req.Status();
		Zabbix.Log(4, '[datadog webhook] received response with status code ' + req.Status() + '\n' + resp);
	} catch (error) {
		Zabbix.Log(4, '[datadog webhook] event creation failed json : ' + webhook_data)
		Zabbix.Log(4, '[datadog webhook] event creation failed : ' + error);
	return JSON.stringify({});

  1. Validate the Webhook is set up correctly by using the "Test" button.
Assign Webhook media to an existing user
  1. After configuring the Webhook media type, navigate to Administration > Users and create a dedicated Zabbix user to represent the Webhook. For example, use the alias Datadog for the Datadog Webhook. All settings, except media, can be left at their defaults as this user does not log in to Zabbix.
  2. In the user profile, go to a Media tab and add a Webhook with the required contact information. If the Webhook does not use a send to field, enter any combination of supported characters to bypass validation requirements.
  3. Grant this user at least read permissions to all hosts for which it should send the alerts.
Configure an alert action for the Webhook
  1. Navigate to Configuration > Actions.
  2. From the page title dropdown, select the required action type.
  3. Click on Create Action.
  4. Name the action.
  5. Choose conditions upon which operations are carried out.
  6. Choose the operations to carry out.


Run the Agent's status subcommand and look for zabbix under the Checks section.

Data Collected


See metadata.csv for a list of metrics provided by this check.


Zabbix alerts are collected as events in the Datadog event stream.

Service Checks

See service_checks.json for a list of service checks provided by this integration.


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