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File metadata and controls

65 lines (47 loc) · 3.34 KB

File fetchers

File fetchers are used to fetch the relevant dependency files for a project (e.g., the Gemfile and Gemfile.lock). They are also responsible for checking whether a repo has an admissible set of requirement files.

There is a Dependabot::FileFetchers class for each language Dependabot supports.

Public API

Each Dependabot::FileFetchers class implements the following methods:

Method Description
.required_files_in? Checks an array of filenames (string) and returns a boolean describing whether the language-specific dependency files required for an update run are present.
.required_files_message Returns a static error message which can be displayed to a user if required_files_in? returns false.
#files Fetches the language-specific dependency files for the repo this instance was created with. Returns an array of Dependabot::DependencyFile instances.
#commit Returns the commit SHA-1 hash at the time the dependency files were fetched. If called before files, the returned value will be used in subsequent calls to files.

An integration might look as follows:

require 'octokit'
require 'dependabot/file_fetchers'
require 'dependabot/source'

target_repo_name = 'dependabot/dependabot-core'
source = 'github', repo: target_repo_name)

client =
fetcher_class = Dependabot::FileFetchers::Ruby::Bundler
filenames = client.contents(target_repo_name).map(&:name)

unless fetcher_class.required_files_in?(filenames)
  raise fetcher_class.required_files_message

fetcher = source, credentials: [])

puts "Fetched #{}, at commit SHA-1 '#{fetcher.commit}'"

Writing a file fetcher for a new language

All new file fetchers should inherit from Dependabot::FileFetchers::Base and implement the following methods:

Method Description
.required_files_in? See Public API section.
.required_files_message See Public API section.
#fetch_files Private method to fetch the required files from GitHub. For each required file, you can use the fetch_file_from_host(filename) method from Dependabot::FileFetchers::Base to do the fetching.

To ensure the above are implemented, you should include it_behaves_like "a dependency file fetcher" in your specs for the new file fetcher.

File fetchers tend to get complicated when the file requirements for an update to run are non-trivial - for example, for Ruby we could accept [Gemfile, Gemfile.lock] or [Gemfile, example.gemspec], but not just [Gemfile.lock]. When adding a new language, it's normally easiest to pick a single case and implement it for all the update steps (parsing, update checking, etc.). You can then return and add other cases later.