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171 lines (109 loc) · 7.97 KB

Local Development Instructions

There are two ways to work on CircleCI docs locally: with Docker and with Ruby/Bundler.

1. Local Development with Docker (recommended)

  1. Install Docker for you platform:
  2. Clone the CircleCI docs repo: git clone
  3. Download this file:
  4. Rename the file from Step 3 to app.bundle.js and save it in the jekyll/assets/js directory.
  5. cd into the directory where you cloned the docs
  6. Run docker-compose up
  7. The docs site will now be running on http://localhost:4000/docs/

Note: If you want to submit a pull request to update the docs, you'll need to make a fork of this repo and clone your version in step 2 above. Then when you push your changes to your fork you can submit a pull request to us.

2. Local Development with Ruby and Bundler (alternative to Docker)

If you already have a stable Ruby environment (currently Ruby 2.3.3) and feel comfortable installing dependencies, install Jekyll by following this guide.

Check out the Gemfile for the Ruby version we're currently using. We recommend RVM for managing multiple Ruby versions.

We also use a gem called HTMLProofer to test links, images, and HTML. The docs site will need a passing build to be deployed, so use HTMLProofer to test everything before you push changes to GitHub.

You're welcome to use Bundler to install these gems.

Building js assets

Our js assets are compiled by webpack and put into a place that the jekyll build can find them.

Anytime you are working on js be sure to run:

$ npm install
$ npm run webpack-watch

First Run

To get a local copy of our docs, run the following commands:

git clone
cd circleci-docs/jekyll
jekyll serve -Iw

Jekyll will build the site and start a web server, which can be viewed in your browser at http://localhost:4000/docs/. -w tells Jekyll to watch for changes and rebuild, while -I enables an incremental rebuild to keep things efficient.

For more info on how to use Jekyll, check out their docs.

Editing Docs Locally

The docs site includes Bootstrap 3 JS and CSS, so you'll have access to all of its reusable components.

All docs live in folders named after the version of CircleCI. The only two you need to worry about are jekyll/_cci1 and jekyll/_cci2. These correspond to CircleCI Classic and CircleCI 2.0, respectively.

  1. Create a branch and switch to it:

    git checkout -b <branch-name

  2. Add or modify Markdown files in these directories according to our style guide.

  3. When you're happy with your changes, commit them with a message summarizing what you did:

    git commit -am "commit message"

  4. Push your branch up:

    git push origin <branch-name>

Adding New Articles

New articles can be added to the jekyll/_cci2 directory in this repo.

When you make a new article, you'll need to add front matter. This contains metadata about the article you're writing and is required so everything works on our site.

Front matter for our docs will look something like:

layout: classic-docs
title: "Your Doc Title"
short-title: "Short Title"
categories: [category-slug]
order: 10

layout and title are the only required variables. layout describes visual settings shared across our docs. title will appear at the top of your article and appear in hypenated form for the URL.

The remaining variables (categories, short-title, and order) are deprecated and no longer used in documentation. Navigation links to each article are manually added to category landing pages. If you're having trouble deciding where to put an article, a CircleCI docs lead can help.

Headings & Tables of Contents

Jekyll will automatically convert your article's title into a level one heading (#), so we recommend using level two (##), level three (###) and level four (####) headings when structuring your article.

If your article has more than three headings after the title, please use a table of contents. To add a table of contents, use the following reference name:


This will create an unordered list for every heading level in your article (the * TOC line will not display).

If you want to exclude a heading from a TOC, you can specify that with another reference name:

# Not in the TOC

Submitting Pull Requests

After you are finished with your changes, please follow our Contributing Guide to submit a pull request.

Docker Tag List for CircleCI Convenience Images

The Docker tag list for convenience images, located in ./jekyll/_cci2/, is dynamically updated during a CircleCI build. There's usually no need to touch this. If you'd like to see an updated list generated locally however, you can do so by running ./scripts/ from the root of this repo. Note that you'll need the command-line tool jq installed.

Updating the API Reference

Our API is handled in two possible places currently:

What is Slate?

Slate is a tool for generating API documentation. Slate works by having a user clone or fork it's Github Repo, having the user fill in the API spec into a file, and then generating the static documentation using Ruby (via bundler).

How do we use Slate?

We have cloned slate into our docs repo ("vendored" it) so that the whole project is available under circleci-docs/src-api. Because Slate is not a library, it is required that we vendor it and use its respective build steps to create our API documentation.

Making changes to the documentation

When it comes time to make changes to our API, start with the following:

  • All changes to the API happen in circleci-docs/src-api/source/ folder.
  • Our API documentation is broken up into several documents in the source/includes folder. For example, all API requests related to Projects are found in the circleci-docs/src-api/source/includes/ file.
  • Within the /source folder, the has an includes key in the front matter. The includes key gathers the separated files in the includes folder and merges them into a single file at build time.
  • Because Slate builds the entire API guide into a single html file, we can view the artifact file on CircleCI whenever a build is run.

The following is an example workflow to contribute to a document (from Github, no less):

  • Navigate to the file you want to edit (example: src-api/source/includes/
  • Click the edit button on GitHub and make your changes.
  • Commit your changes and submit a PR.
  • Go to the CircleCI web app, find the build for the latest commit for your PR
  • Go to the Artifacts tab and navigate to circleci-docs/api/index.html to view the built file.

Local Development with Slate

  • If you want to see your changes live before committing them, cd into src-api and run bundle install followed by bundle exec middleman server.
  • You may need a specific version of Ruby for bundler to work (2.3.1).