🔭 I'm Much more interested in writing code and Building project to ease the day to day activities of Human \t
Member: IASRG, A research and innovation research group at Summit University Offa with several research Grant and award
Member: Google developer Group, sokoto, Google Developer Student Club, Usmanu Danfodiyo University sokoto. \t
🔭 I’m currently working on Machine Learning prediction of thyroid cancer using stacking generalization an ensemble machine learning approach \t
🌱 I’m a Machine learning enthusiast, data analyst and Responsible AI advocate \t
👯 I’m looking to collaborate With other developers and researcher to build more Projects and to Build and learn more \t
🤔 I’m looking for help with internship and sponsorship to Display my passion for Technology growth among Human Race. \t
💬 Ask me about Artificial Intelligent . \t
📫 How to reach me: linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lawal-habeebullahi-33a6101aa/ \t
Twitter: @BaisieLawal \t
Gmail: lawalhabeeb3191@gmail.com \t
😄 Pronouns: Mr \t
⚡ Fun fact: Passion to learn, Relearn and inpact in the Society..\t