Financial Data is a Django app which provides financial data of a company (e.g ratios useful for investing, current share price) given a ticker symbol. The app scrapes financial ratio data from MarketWatch and plots a time series graph displaying the stock's daily performance over the last few months.
The front-end of the app runs on HTML/CSS, Bootstrap, and JavaScript. The back-end is in Python and Django.
The app is currently live on my personal website, here's a gif to demonstrate how it works.
The ratios and prices used on the app are scraped from MarketWatch's profile page, the data used to plot the time series graph is sourced from the Alpha Vantage API.
I opted to scrape rather than pull data from an API, as most financial data API's are costly, also scraping is fun. Although, scraping does come with a trade off of higher load times (about 3 seconds). If you plan on having a lot of users, I wouldn't recommend scraping to retrieve data.
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.