This Python script creates a backup of an etcd snapshot and uploads it to a Minio object storage server for storage. It also deletes old snapshots that are older than 1 day.
Python 3 installed
Minio Python client library (minio) installed
etcdctl command-line tool installed
Update the following variables in the script according to your environment:
todayDate: The current date and time, used as a timestamp for the snapshot filename.
logfile: The path to the log file where logs will be written.
backpath: The directory where the snapshots will be stored.
minio_endpoint: The URL of your Minio endpoint.
minio_access_key: The access key for your Minio server.
minio_secret_key: The secret key for your Minio server.
minio_bucket_name: The name of the bucket in your Minio server where the snapshots will be uploaded. commands: Update the etcdctl command with the appropriate parameters for your etcd setup, such as endpoints, certificates, and keys.
Run the script using Python 3: python3
The script performs the following steps:
Writes the start time of the backup to the log file.
Creates a snapshot of etcd using the etcdctl command-line tool with the provided parameters, and saves it to a file in the specified backpath directory with the format <todayDate>-snapshot.db.
Compresses the snapshot using gzip.
Uploads the compressed snapshot to the specified Minio bucket using the Minio Python client library.
Deletes old snapshots that are older than 1 day from the backpath directory using the find command.
Logs any errors encountered during the process to the log file.