Welcome to my GitHub! I'm a passionate Biomedical Sciences student with a strong interest in web development, mobile app development, and data science. I love working on projects that combine my knowledge of science and technology to create impactful solutions.
- Languages: Python, JavaScript, TypeScript, SQL, HTML, CSS
- Frameworks & Libraries: React, Next.js, Vue, Django, Flask, Express, Expo
- Mobile Development: React Native, Expo, Flutter, Android Studio
- Data Science & ML: TensorFlow, Pandas, NumPy, SciPy
- Databases: PostgreSQL, SQLite
- Other Tools: Git, Redux, MobX, JWT, Socket.IO
- ecart: A hybrid e-commerce shopping app using Expo and a Node.js backend.
- InstaLink: A real-time messaging app leveraging Socket.IO, keypairs, and QR code sharing.
- Students Portal
- Code Editors: Visual Studio Code, PyCharm
- Version Control: Git & GitHub
- DevOps: Docker, CI/CD with GitHub Actions
- APIs: REST, GraphQL
- Advanced topics in Next.js for building dynamic web apps.
- Incorporating machine learning models into mobile apps using TensorFlow.js.
- Email: hardynamakhwa@gmail.com
- LinkedIn: Hard265
Feel free to explore my repositories and connect with me if you'd like to collaborate on any project!
Thanks for visiting! π