Hi! 👋 I'm Hatim Patrawala
I'm Hatim, a computer science student currently pursuing a Master's degree in Applied Computer Science at Dalhousie University.
🔭 Currently, I'm focusing on expanding my knowledge in Cloud Computing, Serverless Architecture, and Generative AI.
🌱 I'm always eager to learn and explore new technologies and frameworks. I'm particularly interested in Full-stack and Multi-cloud projects.
🤝 I'm open to collaboration on exciting projects that involve cutting-edge technologies. Feel free to reach out if you have any ideas or projects in mind.
💬 Ask me about my favorite topic, "SOLID." I'm always ready to share insights and best practices in writing elegant and optimized code.
📫 You can reach me at hatimpatrawala786@gmail.com. I'm always happy to connect and discuss new opportunities or answer any questions you may have.
😄 Pronouns: He/Him
⚡ Fun fact: I don't make mistakes; I provide unexpected debugging opportunities.
🟢 Status: Eagerly seeking collaborative ventures and exciting career opportunities to make a meaningful impact through code.
May the code be with you! 🚀