nano-aes Public
Simple & lightweight AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) module. Wrapper for Node.js crypto module.
docker-node Public
A repository that contains Docker (OCI format) base images for Node.js
nextcloud-docker Public
Nextcloud Official Container Image but with some additional packages
workflows Public
A Repository storing a reusable workflows that I used frequently in my projects.
eslint-config Public
An ESLint shareable config that I used in my projects
jukebox Public
Just a simple Discord music bot.
docker-base Public
[WIP] A base repository that contains collections of Docker (OCI Format) base image
Docker (OCI Format) base images recipe extractor.
devcontainer Public
[WIP] Images to be used in VSCode devcontainer and GitHub Codespaces
pak-ustadz Public
Bot ini dibuat agar kita tidak batal puasa hanya karena tidak sengaja membuka channel nsfw Discord
dind-actions-runner Public
This is an example of GitHub Actions runner setup with real DinD
random-meow Public archive
Get a random image of a cat (0 dependencies!)
discordbot-template-legacy Public archive
A Discord bot template, written in TypeScript for discord.js (LEGACY)
really-old-rendang Public archive
[ARCHIVE] Old Rendang from CodDevelopment. Not to be confused with Hazmi35/rendang and Hazmi35/rendang-old (different bot, same name)
authorealm-snowflake Public archive
A snowflake generator used through AuthoRealm application (Inspired by: Twitter's Snowflake)