This module add the Mists of Pandaria battleground arena Tol'Viron on Wotlk 3.3.5a.
This module requires
- Azerothcore v2+ from this revision.
Install the module step by step:
1) Simply place the module mod-arena-tolviron under the `modules` directory of your AzerothCore source.
2) Import the SQL manually to the right Database (auth, world or characters) or with the `` (if `` provided).
3) Re-run cmake and launch a clean build of AzerothCore.
The client data files like DBC, maps, vmaps and mmaps are in in this repository.
Download the files and put them in your server/data/ folder, you need to overwrite the old dbc files and just add the others.
You need to download the patch-V.MPQ and patch-Z.MPQ, put them in your WoW/Data/ folder or in your WoW/Data/enUS/ folder.
In case that you want to put the patch file into WoW/Data/enUS/ folder, you need to rename it to : patch-enUS-4.MPQ.
If you have a different client than enUS rename it with your client-lang name, for example for ruRU client put the patch in WoW/Data/ruRU/ and rename it as patch-ruRU-4.MPQ.
We recommand you to put the patch in WoW/Data/ folder without renaming it, to prevent errors.
The languages supported by this patch are: enUS, enGB, ruRU, frFR, deDe, esES, esMX.
To use this patch correctly you need this wow.exe cracked version, you can take it using the following download links:
AzerothCore: repository - website - discord chat community