This repository contains a Python implementation of the classic arcade game, Pacman, with AI-powered ghosts. The game is built using the Pygame library and is designed to be played on a computer.
The objective of the game is for the player to navigate Pacman through a maze, eating all the dots while avoiding the ghosts. When all the dots are eaten, the player advances to the next level. The ghosts are powered by an AI algorithm that makes them more intelligent and difficult to avoid with each level.
To play the game, you will need to have Python and Pygame installed on your computer. You can install Pygame using pip:
pip install pygame
To start the game, run the
file in the command line:
Use the arrow keys to move Pacman through the maze. The game will automatically start with the first level. If Pacman collides with a ghost, the player loses a life. When all the lives are lost, the game is over.
The ghosts are powered by an AI algorithm that makes them more intelligent and difficult to avoid with each level. The AI algorithm uses a combination of search algorithms and heuristics to determine the best move for each ghost. The algorithm is designed to make the ghosts unpredictable and challengingto avoid.