This is a simple way that you can create Service Function Chaining (SFC) using Chain of Responsibilities design pattern in Golang.
- "firewall1"
- "ids1"
- name_of_function: "test_firewall_1"
type_of_function: "firewall"
- name_of_function: "test_ids_1"
type_of_function: "ids"
- name_of_function: "test_ids_2"
type_of_function: "ids"
Chain has been created:
test_firewall_1 --> test_ids_1 --> test_ids_2
test_firewall_1 is Processing Packet: "Hey I'm packet 1".
test_firewall_1 is Adding a Rule.
test_ids_1 is Processing Packet: "Hey I'm packet 1".
test_ids_2 is Processing Packet: "Hey I'm packet 1".
test_firewall_1 is Processing Packet: "Hey I'm packet 2".
test_firewall_1 is Adding a Rule.
test_ids_1 is Processing Packet: "Hey I'm packet 2".
test_ids_2 is Processing Packet: "Hey I'm packet 2".
test_firewall_1 is Processing Packet: "Hey I'm packet 3".
test_firewall_1 is Adding a Rule.
test_ids_1 is Processing Packet: "Hey I'm packet 3".
test_ids_2 is Processing Packet: "Hey I'm packet 3".
Process exiting with code: 0