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A collection of Rust-based WebAssembly programs that are deployed as Envoy filters.
Layer5, expect more from your infrastructure
GitHub Action for pipelining microservices and Kubernetes performance testing with Meshery
Common microservices framework for Meshery components
Cloud Native Playground for Kubernetes and all CNCF projects
Meshery Operator is a Kubernetes Operator that deploys and manages the lifecycle of two Meshery components critical to Meshery's operations of Kubernetes clusters Opensea Blockchain Web 3.0 App using Next JS,, thirdweb and Tailwind CSS
🏠 A home automation mobile application made using flutter & dart . 🌟 Control all your home gadgets at one tap.😏 Domus means Home in Latin. Download app -…
Repository Containing Solution Codes of Assignments given in MA202: Numerical Techniques