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Authentication in Loopback4


The steps given below are to add the Authentication in Loopback4 and if you want to add the authorization also in your project than check out this repo How to add Authorization.

How to Setup in local System

git clone
cd loopback4-auth
npm install

npm run build
npm run migrate
npm start
  • Step1:

    lb4 model User
    lb4 datasource
    lb4 repository
  • Step2:

    lb4 controller (Empty controller)
    Create a signup and signin routes
  • Step3:

    Create a validate service to check the isEmail and password length

    import {HttpErrors} from '@loopback/rest';
      import * as isEmail from 'isemail';
      import {Credentials} from '../repositories/index';
      export function validateCredentials(credentials: Credentials) {
        if (!isEmail.validate( {
          throw new HttpErrors.UnprocessableEntity('invalid Email');
        if (credentials.password.length < 8) {
          throw new HttpErrors.UnprocessableEntity('password length should be greater than 8')

    Create another service to hash password using bcryptjs

    Create a class BcryptHasher which implements interface PasswordHasher

    In this class again implement two method

    • comparePassword (return: Promise)
    • hashPassword (return: Promise)

    To use it bind it in the application.ts


    Now do the SQL Injection in the controller class UserController constructor

    public hasher: BcryptHasher,

    Use hashPassword method

    Now just save the user into the db

import {inject} from '@loopback/core';
import {compare, genSalt, hash} from 'bcryptjs';
import {PasswordHasherBindings} from '../keys';

export interface PasswordHasher<T = string> {
  hashPassword(password: T): Promise<T>;
  comparePassword(provdedPass: T, storedPass: T): Promise<boolean>

export class BcryptHasher implements PasswordHasher<string> {
  async comparePassword(provdedPass: string, storedPass: string): Promise<boolean> {
    const passwordMatches = await compare(provdedPass, storedPass);
    return passwordMatches;

  // @inject('rounds')
  public readonly rounds: number

  // round: number = 10;
  async hashPassword(password: string): Promise<string> {
    const salt = await genSalt(this.rounds);
    return await hash(password, salt);
  • Step4:

    Create the Credentials type in repository

    export type Credentials = {
      email: string;
      password: string;

    Create the user-service where MyUserService extends UserService from @loopback/authentictaion

    In this class again implement two methods

    • verifyCredentials (return: Promise)
    • convertToUserProfile (return: UserProfile)

    Now do the SQL Injection in the class MyUserService constructor [for verify Credentials]

    public hasher: BcryptHasher,

    Use comparePassword method from BcryptHasher class

    For [convertToUserProfile] just return

    return {
          name: userName,

    To use it again bind in application.ts


    Now do the SQL Injection in the controller class UserController constructor

    public userService: MyUserService,

    Now in the \login route use the methods

    // make sure user exist,password should be valid
    const user = await this.userService.verifyCredentials(credentials);
    // console.log(user);
    const userProfile = await this.userService.convertToUserProfile(user);
    // console.log(userProfile);
  • Step5:

    Now create another service which implements JWTService class

    In this class implements one method:

    • generateToken (return: Promise)
    • verifyToken (return: Promise

    To use it again bind in application.ts


    Now do the SQL Injection in the controller class UserController constructor

      public jwtService: JWTService,

    Now in the \login route use the method

    const token = await this.jwtService.generateToken(userProfile);
      return Promise.resolve({token: token})

Congo now you will get the token on Login

  • Step6: Refracting the code

    Now Create a new file Keys.ts

    import {TokenService, UserService} from '@loopback/authentication';
    import {BindingKey} from '@loopback/core';
    import {User} from './models';
    import {Credentials} from './repositories/user.repository';
    import {PasswordHasher} from './services/hash.password';
    export namespace TokenServiceConstants {
      export const TOKEN_SECRET_VALUE = '138asda8213';
      export const TOKEN_EXPIRES_IN_VALUE = '7h';
    export namespace TokenServiceBindings {
      export const TOKEN_SECRET = BindingKey.create<string>(
      export const TOKEN_EXPIRES_IN = BindingKey.create<string>(
      export const TOKEN_SERVICE = BindingKey.create<TokenService>(
    export namespace PasswordHasherBindings {
      export const PASSWORD_HASHER = BindingKey.create<PasswordHasher>(
      export const ROUNDS = BindingKey.create<number>('services.hasher.rounds');
    export namespace UserServiceBindings {
      export const USER_SERVICE = BindingKey.create<UserService<Credentials, User>>(

    and then using these binding put it into the application.ts

    // this.bind('service.hasher').toClass(BcryptHasher);
    // this.bind('rounds').to(10);
    // this.bind('service.user.service').toClass(MyUserService)
    // this.bind('service.jwt.service').toClass(JWTService);
    // this.bind('authentication.jwt.secret').to('dvchgdvcjsdbhcbdjbvjb');
    // this.bind('authentication.jwt.expiresIn').to('7h');
  • Step7: How to Protect a route

    Add the decorator authenticate('jwt')

    Now to add this jwt go to the sequence.ts

    import {AuthenticateFn, AuthenticationBindings} from '@loopback/authentication';
    protected authenticateRequest: AuthenticateFn
     const route = this.findRoute(request);
    // call authentication action
    await this.authenticateRequest(request);

    Now create jwt-stratgies in authentication-stratgies.

    Here JWTStrategy class implements AuthenticationStrategy interface from @loopback/authentication

    and implement one method:

    • authenticate(return: Promise<UserProfile | RedirectRoute | undefined>)
     async authenticate(request: Request<ParamsDictionary, any, any, ParsedQs>):
        Promise<UserProfile | RedirectRoute | undefined> {
        const token: string = this.extractCredentials(request);
        const userProfile = await this.jwtService.verifyToken(token);
        return Promise.resolve(userProfile);

    Now in JWT service implements verify token

      async verifyToken(token: string): Promise<UserProfile> {
        if (!token) {
          throw new HttpErrors.Unauthorized(
            `Error verifying token:'token' is null`
        let userProfile: UserProfile;
        try {
          const decryptedToken = await verifyAsync(token, this.jwtSecret);
          userProfile = Object.assign(
            {[securityId]: '', id: '', name: ''},
            {[securityId]:, id:, name:}
        catch (err) {
          throw new HttpErrors.Unauthorized(`Error verifying token:${err.message}`)
        return userProfile;
  • Step8: Finally authorized a route

    Now go to the user controller and add the


      @get('/users/me', {
        security: OPERATION_SECURITY_SPEC,
        responses: {
          '200': {
            description: 'The current user profile',
            content: {
              'application/json': {
                schema: getJsonSchemaRef(User),
      async me(
        currentUser: UserProfile,
      ): Promise<UserProfile> {
        return Promise.resolve(currentUser);

    and in the application.ts

    // Add security spec
    registerAuthenticationStrategy(this, JWTStrategy)
    addSecuritySpec(): void {
          openapi: '3.0.0',
          info: {
            title: 'test application',
            version: '1.0.0',
          paths: {},
          components: {securitySchemes: SECURITY_SCHEME_SPEC},
          security: [
              // secure all endpoints with 'jwt'
              jwt: [],
          servers: [{url: '/'}],

    By doing this all you can send the token in the API explorer and see the lock sign.

Finally done