A tool to display live visualizations of your pymoo projects in real time
You will need to install Python (and preferably Anaconda). Once your environment is set up, you will need to run:
pip install -r requirements.txt
This project uses Node, Nuxt, and Vue to build its front end UI. So to start:
- Install Node.js
- Enter the front end directory
cd frontend
- Run
npm install
This project uses ESLint to lint the front end code. If you are using VSCode, you can install the ESLint extension to get linting in real time.
The following command will run a sample optimization problem.
python Dashboard.py
For Unix based OSes
Simply set the Pymoo callback function as Dashboard()
and you're good to go.
Make sure the Dashboard.html
, Dashboard.js
, and Dashboard.css
are all in the
same directory as whereever Dashboard.py
is deployed to.
# create the reference directions to be used for the optimization
ref_dirs = get_reference_directions("das-dennis", 3, n_partitions=12)
# create the algorithm object
algorithm = NSGA3(pop_size=92,
# execute the optimization
res = minimize(get_problem("dtlz1"),
termination=('n_gen', 600))