Welcome to my GitHub profile! I'm a passionate developer exploring new technologies and contributing to open-source projects.
I'm currently working on various open-source projects and learning advanced web development and cloud computing. I'm always eager to expand my skillset and collaborate with others.
Ask me about anything related to JavaScript, Python, or cloud services!
- Pronouns: He/Him
- Fun fact: I enjoy hiking and playing the guitar in my free time.
- Programming Languages: JavaScript, Python, Java, C++
- Web Development: HTML, CSS, React, Node.js, Express.js
- Databases: MySQL, MongoDB, PostgreSQL
- Cloud Services: AWS, Azure, Google Cloud Platform
- DevOps: Docker, Kubernetes, Jenkins
- Tools & Technologies: Git, GitHub, VS Code, Linux
Software Engineer at TechCorp (2023 - Present)
- Developed and maintained web applications using React and Node.js.
- Implemented CI/CD pipelines using Jenkins and Docker.
Junior Developer at WebSolutions (2021 - 2023)
- Assisted in developing e-commerce websites using JavaScript and Python.
- Collaborated with cross-functional teams to deliver high-quality software solutions.
- Project A: A web application for managing tasks and projects. Built with React and Node.js. [Link to Repo if available]
- Project B: A Python script for automating data analysis tasks. [Link to Repo if available]
- Project C: A cloud-based service for storing and retrieving files securely. [Link to Repo if available]
Feel free to explore my repositories and reach out if you have any questions or collaboration ideas!
Thanks for visiting my profile! π
Last Updated: 2025-02-06 17:57:00 (UTC)