fzy is a fast, simple fuzzy text selector for the terminal with an advanced scoring algorithm.
It's been kind of life-changing. -@graygilmore
fzy works great btw -@alexblackie
fzy is faster and shows better results than other fuzzy finders.
Most other fuzzy matchers sort based on the length of a match. fzy tries to find the result the user intended. It does this by favouring matches on consecutive letters and starts of words. This allows matching using acronyms or different parts of the path.
A gory comparison of the sorting used by fuzzy finders can be found in ALGORITHM.md
fzy is designed to be used both as an editor plugin and on the command line. Rather than clearing the screen, fzy displays its interface directly below the current cursor position, scrolling the screen if necessary.
Using Homebrew
brew install fzy
Using MacPorts
sudo port install fzy
Arch Linux/MSYS2: pacman -S fzy
FreeBSD: pkg install fzy
Gentoo Linux: emerge -av app-shells/fzy
Ubuntu/Debian: apt-get install fzy
pkgsrc (NetBSD and others): pkgin install fzy
emerge -av app-shells/fzy
openSUSE: zypper in fzy
sudo make install
environment variable can be used to specify the install location,
the default is /usr/local
fzy is a drop in replacement for selecta, and can be used with its usage examples.
fzy can be easily integrated with vim.
function! FzyCommand(choice_command, vim_command)
let output = system(a:choice_command . " | fzy ")
catch /Vim:Interrupt/
" Swallow errors from ^C, allow redraw! below
if v:shell_error == 0 && !empty(output)
exec a:vim_command . ' ' . output
nnoremap <leader>e :call FzyCommand("find . -type f", ":e")<cr>
nnoremap <leader>v :call FzyCommand("find . -type f", ":vs")<cr>
nnoremap <leader>s :call FzyCommand("find . -type f", ":sp")<cr>
Any program can be used to filter files presented through fzy. ag (the silver searcher) can be used to ignore files specified by .gitignore
nnoremap <leader>e :call FzyCommand("ag . --silent -l -g ''", ":e")<cr>
nnoremap <leader>v :call FzyCommand("ag . --silent -l -g ''", ":vs")<cr>
nnoremap <leader>s :call FzyCommand("ag . --silent -l -g ''", ":sp")<cr>
fzy attempts to present the best matches first. The following considerations are weighted when sorting:
It prefers consecutive characters: file
will match file over filter.
It prefers matching the beginning of words: amp
is likely to match app/models/posts.rb.
It prefers shorter matches: abce
matches abcdef over abc de.
It prefers shorter candidates: test
matches tests over testing.
- fzy.js Javascript port