I'm happy that you found my project!
So, this whole thing is optimized to run on a single server but I am working on deploying this to docker swarms.
I'm not sure when I'll be done with it, as I have to look into docker swarms.
This docker compose file features a seperete nework for the traefik service instructions on how to use it are below.
First we need to 'import' the network into the project using this at the end of the compose file:
name: traefik_bridge
Then we need to use the traefik network for the services we proxy via traefik also as you see we use a network called 'default' here, this is the default network created by each project this is used to interconnect the service to the others in the same project:
- default
- traefik
The project has a simple structure, and it is as follows:
- configs -> folder for service configuration files (there shouldn't be any private data, passwords or api-tokens in there)
- env_files -> config files for each service, instead of defining in the docker-compose file
- secrets -> in there are all secrets, like api tokens and such
- volumes -> data created by the services, each service has it's own folder, and the file structure is the same as in the service
- .env.sample -> rename this to .env and change the the value of "TRAEFIK_LABEL_HOST" to your domain/needs
- stack.yml -> this is not yet available to public as I am still figuring things out with this one, but just so you know!
In this project there're secrets used, meaning, all passwords are in a seperate folder, and will NOT be pushed, as they are listed in the .gitignore file.
There might be some sample values, just open the project in Visual Studio Code, or any editor of your choice and search for the term "SAMPLE_VALUE", and replace it with a value that makes sense.
Generate some digests here
I'm trying to be as close to the standards as possible. Here is what I am using.