Autopilot can be installed through Helm and need enough privileges to create objects like services, serviceaccounts, namespaces and relevant RBAC.
Helm charts values and how-to for customization can be found here.
- Add autopilot repo
helm repo add autopilot
- Install autopilot (idempotent command). The config file is for customizing the helm values. It is not mandatory. If the default values work for you, omit the
. The--namespace
parameter says where the helm chart will be deployed
helm upgrade autopilot autopilot/autopilot --install --namespace=autopilot --create-namespace -f your-config.yml
The controllers should show up in the selected namespace
kubectl get po -n autopilot
autopilot-daemon-autopilot-g7j6h 1/1 Running 0 70m
autopilot-daemon-autopilot-g822n 1/1 Running 0 70m
autopilot-daemon-autopilot-x6h8d 1/1 Running 0 70m
autopilot-daemon-autopilot-xhntv 1/1 Running 0 70m
helm uninstall autopilot -n autopilot
kubectl delete namespace autopilot
The ServiceMonitor object is the one that enables Prometheus to scrape the metrics produced by Autopilot.
In order for Prometheus to find the right objects, the ServiceMonitor
needs to be annotated with the Prometheus' release name. It is usually prometheus
, and that's the default added in the Autopilot release.
If that is not the case in your cluster, the correct release label can be found by checking in the ServiceMonitor
of Prometheus itself, or the name of Prometheus helm chart.
Then, Autopilot's ServiceMonitor
can be labeled with the following command
kubectl label -n autopilot autopilot-metrics-monitor release=<prometheus-release-name>
If on OpenShift, after completing the installation, manually label the namespace to enable metrics to be scraped by Prometheus with the following command:
The ServiceMonitor
labeling is not required.
kubectl label ns autopilot
To deploy the autopilot Grafana dashboard, you must install the grafana-operator v5 in the grafana-operator
namespace and create a Grafana instance on your cluster in the same namespace.
Then, run the following commands:
kubectl namespace grafana-operator
kubectl create -f grafana/autopilot-dashboard.yaml
kubectl get grafanadashboards
You should see the newly created Grafana dashboard and access it with the Grafana route shown in kubectl get routes -n grafana-operator