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A full-stack Shopping app built with PERN Stack πŸ“¦

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Full stack app built with Postgres-Express-React-Nodejs Stack, hosted on AWS, and use CircleCI as CI/CD.

Table of content

Tech stack

  • DB
    • postgres
  • API
    • NodeJs
    • Typescript
    • ExpressJs
  • UI
    • ReactJs
    • AntD
  • Hosted
    • AWS
  • CI/CD
    • CircleCI

Project setup

  1. Clone the project git clone

  2. Installation is done using the npm install command: npm install.

Note: Install command will also install client&server dependencies

  1. Install postgres on your local machine from this link.

  2. Open Sql Shell (psql).

  3. Connect to the default postgres database user psql -U postgres.

  4. In psql run the following to create the dev, test, and production databases.

/** DEV database **/
CREATE DATABASE udacity_storefront_dev;
/** Test database **/
CREATE DATABASE udacity_storefront_test;
/** Production database **/
CREATE DATABASE udacity_storefront;
  1. Setup database npm run db:up.

  2. Make a copy for .env.example file to .env and then change the variables to match your environment.

Don't forget to replace {database_password} with your current postgres password

  1. To start the app run npm start.

Note: This command will start both app the client and the server

Database Port Server Port Client Port
5432 3001 3000

Available scripts

  • To start both frontend and backend app run npm start
  • To check app format run npm run prettier
  • To check app error run npm run lint
  • To test both frontend and backend app run npm run test
  • To build both frontend and backend app run npm run build


For More information go to here => Database


For More information go to here => REQUIREMENTS

URL Type Token Required
/api/products/ GET ❌
/api/products/:id GET ❌
/api/products/ POST βœ”
/api/products/:id UPDATE βœ”
/api/products/:id DELETE βœ”
/api/users/ GET βœ”
/api/users/:id GET βœ”
/api/users/ POST ❌
/api/users/:id UPDATE βœ”
/api/users/:id DELETE βœ”
/api/users/:id/authenticate POST ❌
/api/orders/:userId GET βœ”
/api/orders/completed/:userId GET βœ”
/api/orders/active/:userId GET βœ”
/api/orders/:id GET βœ”
/api/orders/ POST βœ”
/api/orders/:id UPDATE βœ”
/api/orders/:id DELETE βœ”
/api/orders/:id/products POST βœ”
/api/orders/:id/products GET βœ”


The UI built with the help of create react app. For More information go to here => UI