Downloader for lezhin comics
This is downloader that helps you to login and downloads the specified comic for all lezhin-comics even adults.
β» The user is responsible for everything that happens using this program.
Check if chrome browser was installed in your device or download it here.
Check your chrome browser version with this URI
.(The first line is the version. e.g. 83.0.4103.116)
Download the
chrome driver
that matches its version and your device OS here and decompress it. -
Check if your JRE(or JDK) version is 11 or higher. If you don't have, install it.
Download the latest released
here. -
here and write your account in the file. -
Place three files in the same path.
Use the following command to run the downloader.
java -jar {JAR filename} -l=<locale_language> -n=<content_name> [-r=<episode_range> -j -s -d]
locale language (required): language of lezhin platform you want to download the webtoon on.
- ko : korean
- en : english
- ja : japanese
content name (required): webtoon name you want to download.
- episode range (optional): range of episodes you want to download.
- skipped : all episodes
- n~ : from ep.N to the last episode
- ~n : from the first episode to ep.N
- m~n : from ep.M to ep.N
- jpg (optional): save images as JPEG format (default: WEBP format).
- single threading (optional): download images on single-thread; useful if some images are missing (default: multi-threading).
- debug (optional): enables debugging mode.
java -jar lezhin-comics-downloader.jar -l=en -n=appetite
Downloads all episodes of the comic named appetite.
java -jar lezhin-comics-downloader.jar -l=en -n=appetite -r=8~
Downloads the episodes of the comic named appetite from ep.8 to the last.
java -jar lezhin-comics-downloader.jar -l=en -n=appetite -r=~25
Downloads the episodes of the comic named appetite from the first to ep.25.
java -jar lezhin-comics-downloader.jar -l=en -n=appetite -r=1~10
Downloads the episodes of the comic named appetite from ep.1 to ep.10.
./mvnw package
Then you will get a file lezhin-comics-downloader-{version}.jar