Removed desktop icon from the installer.
Removed desktop icon from the installer.
Use the date of the latest commit here when this is newer than the la…
Use the date of the latest commit here when this is newer than the la…
Force push
Use the date of the latest commit here when this is newer than the la…
Use the date of the latest commit here when this is newer than the la…
Force push
Use the date of the latest commit here when this is newer than the la…
Use the date of the latest commit here when this is newer than the la…
Force push
Use the date of the latest commit here when this is newer than the la…
Use the date of the latest commit here when this is newer than the la…
Set LC_ALL before executing the script.
Set LC_ALL before executing the script.
Updated configuration due to changes in libjpeg-turbo.
Updated configuration due to changes in libjpeg-turbo.
Added openh264 to the repositories that are cloned.
Added openh264 to the repositories that are cloned.
Enable more features in the jpeg coder.
Enable more features in the jpeg coder.
Use a different method to match the regex.
Use a different method to match the regex.
Also include the config files in the solution.
Also include the config files in the solution.
Print some more info to the output to figure out why exceptions are n…
Print some more info to the output to figure out why exceptions are n…
Make sure codes and id's are unique across the msix project files.
Make sure codes and id's are unique across the msix project files.
Added Advanced Installer project files for a Q8 and Q16 build.
Added Advanced Installer project files for a Q8 and Q16 build.
No longer display the ancient before and after files.
No longer display the ancient before and after files.
Renamed Output folder to Artifacts.
Renamed Output folder to Artifacts.
Also clone the jpeg-turbo repositories that add support for 12 and 16…
Also clone the jpeg-turbo repositories that add support for 12 and 16…
Fixed build with Visual Studio 2019.
Fixed build with Visual Studio 2019.
Changes due to upgrade of libheif.
Changes due to upgrade of libheif.
Updated delegates.xml to match the output generated by delegates.xml.…
Updated delegates.xml to match the output generated by delegates.xml.…
No longer have convert as an alias of the magick executable.
No longer have convert as an alias of the magick executable.
Also show the version number in the properties of the coder modules.
Also show the version number in the properties of the coder modules.
Always clone the latest version of all repositories when checking for…
Always clone the latest version of all repositories when checking for…
Added option to clone the latest version of all repositories
Added option to clone the latest version of all repositories
Include the platform in the solution name.
Include the platform in the solution name.