support parallel DNG image conversion
support parallel DNG image conversion
correlation image initialization optimization
correlation image initialization optimization
average composite channel for PSNR metric
average composite channel for PSNR metric
ensure similarity looping respects the resouce thread limit
ensure similarity looping respects the resouce thread limit
white is maximum point of the correlation image
white is maximum point of the correlation image
conditionally compile heif_context_set_maximum_image_size_limit()
conditionally compile heif_context_set_maximum_image_size_limit()
check for EOF condition before setting the image background
check for EOF condition before setting the image background
negate correlation image for NCC metric
negate correlation image for NCC metric
the correlation image is now the same size as the reference image
the correlation image is now the same size as the reference image
Update the image depth after this has been changed by SetQuantumFormat.
Update the image depth after this has been changed by SetQuantumFormat.
throw warning when reference image is wider or taller target image
throw warning when reference image is wider or taller target image
pending issue when comparing two images of the same dimensions
pending issue when comparing two images of the same dimensions
similary image must match between the frequency and spatial domains
similary image must match between the frequency and spatial domains
increased accuracy for XYZ color conversion
increased accuracy for XYZ color conversion
magnitude complex images requires double pixel packets
magnitude complex images requires double pixel packets
initialize dissimilarity thresold to PI
initialize dissimilarity thresold to PI